[Mac] Homebrew で tree コマンドをインストール

Mac OS X にて、treeコマンドを使うために Homebrew でインストールしました。


[Mac] Homebrew をインストール | CodeNote.net はてなブックマーク - [Mac] Homebrew をインストール | CodeNote.net

■ tree コマンドのインストール

brew install でインストールするだけでOKです。

$ brew install tree
==> Downloading http://mama.indstate.edu/users/ice/tree/src/tree-1.6.0.tgz
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> make
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/tree/1.6.0: 6 files, 124K, built in 7 seconds


$ tree
├── Gemfile
├── app.rb
├── config.ru
└── public
    ├── css
    └── js
3 directories, 3 files


[JavaScript] Google Analytics の ga.js ソースコードを復元して読んでみる

アクセス解析でお馴染みの Google Analytics でどういう処理がされているのか気になったのでソースコードを読んでみてます。

・ソースコード:http://google-analytics.com/ga.js はてなブックマーク -


JsDecoder – javascript decoder – decode obfuscated script はてなブックマーク - JsDecoder - javascript decoder - decode obfuscated script

■ JsDecoderで復元したコード

(function ()
    var g = void 0, h = true, i = null, j = false, ba = encodeURIComponent, ca = Infinity, da = setTimeout, 
    ea = decodeURIComponent, k = Math;
    function fa(a, b)
        return a.onload = b
    function ga(a, b)
        return a.name = b
    var m = "push", ha = "slice", ia = "replace", ja = "load", ka = "floor", n = "charAt", la = "value", 
    p = "indexOf", ma = "match", r = "name", oa = "host", t = "toString", u = "length", v = "prototype", 
    w = "split", pa = "stopPropagation", qa = "scope", x = "location", y = "getString", z = "substring", 
    ra = "navigator", A = "join", C = "toLowerCase", D;
    function sa(a, b)
        switch (b) {
            case 0:
                return "" + a;
            case 1:
                return a * 1;
            case 2:
            case 3:
                return a * 1E3
        return a
    function E(a, b)
        return g == a || "-" == a && !b || "" == a
    function ta(a)
        if (!a || "" == a) {
            return "";
        for (; a && " \n\r\t"[p](a[n](0)) > -1; ) {
            a = a[z](1);
        for (; a && " \n\r\t"[p](a[n](a[u] - 1)) > -1; ) {
            a = a[z](0, a[u] - 1);
        return a
    function ua(a)
        var b = 1, c = 0, d;
        if (!E(a))
            b = 0;
            for (d = a[u] - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
                c = a.charCodeAt(d), b = (b << 6 & 268435455) + c + (c << 14), c = b & 266338304, b = c != 0 ? b^c >> 21 : b;
        return b
    function va()
        return k.round(k.random() * 2147483647)
    function wa() {}
    function F(a, b)
        return ba instanceof Function ? b ? encodeURI(a) : ba(a) : (G(68), escape(a))
    function H(a)
        a = a[w]("+")[A](" ");
        if (ea instanceof Function) {
            try {
                return ea(a) 
            catch (b) {
        else {
        return unescape(a)
    var xa = function (a, b, c, d)
        a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !!d) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, 
    ya = function (a, b, c, d)
        a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, c, !!d) : a.detachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + b, 
    function I(a)
        return a && a[u] > 0 ? a[0] : ""
    function za(a)
        var b = a ? a[u] : 0;
        return b > 0 ? a[b - 1] : ""
    var Aa = function ()
        this.prefix = "ga.";
        this.I = {}
    Aa[v].set = function (a, b)
        this.I[this.prefix + a] = b;
    Aa[v].get = function (a)
        return this.I[this.prefix + a];
    Aa[v].contains = function (a)
        return this.get(a) !== g;
    function Ba(a)
        a[p]("www.") == 0 && (a = a[z](4));
        return a[C]()
    function Ca(a, b)
        var c, d = {
            url : a, protocol : "http", host : "", path : "", c : new Aa, anchor : ""
        if (!a) {
            return d;
        c = a[p]("://");
        if (c >= 0) {
            d.protocol = a[z](0, c), a = a[z](c + 3);
        c = a.search("/|\\?|#");
        if (c >= 0) {
            d.host = a[z](0, c)[C](), a = a[z](c);
        else {
            return d.host = a[C](), d;
        c = a[p]("#");
        if (c >= 0) {
            d.anchor = a[z](c + 1), a = a[z](0, c);
        c = a[p]("?");
        c >= 0 && (Da(d.c, a[z](c + 1)), a = a[z](0, c));
        d.anchor && b && Da(d.c, d.anchor);
        a && a[n](0) == "/" && (a = a[z](1));
        d.path = a;
        return d
    function Da(a, b)
        function c(b, c)
            a.contains(b) || a.set(b, []);
        for (var d = ta(b)[w]("&"), e = 0; e < d[u]; e++) if (d[e]) {
            var f = d[e][p]("=");
            f < 0 ? c(d[e], "1") : c(d[e][z](0, f), d[e][z](f + 1))
    function Ea(a, b)
        if (E(a)) {
            return "-";
        if ("[" == a[n](0) && "]" == a[n](a[u] - 1)) {
            return "-";
        var c = J.domain;
        c += b && b != "/" ? b : "";
        return a[p](c) == (a[p]("http://") == 0 ? 7 : a[p]("https://") == 0 ? 8 : 0) ? "0" : a;
    function Fa(a, b, c)
        k.random() * 100 >= 1 || (a = ["utmt=error", "utmerr=" + a, "utmwv=5.2.2", "utmn=" + va(), "utmsp=1"], 
        b && a[m]("api=" + b), c && a[m]("msg=" + F(c[z](0, 100))), K.q && a[m]("aip=1"), Ga(a[A]("&")));
    var Ha = 0;
    function L(a)
        return (a ? "_" : "") + Ha++
    var Ia = L(), Ja = L(), Ka = L(), La = L(), Ma = L(), M = L(), N = L(), Na = L(), Oa = L(), Pa = L(), 
    Qa = L(), Ra = L(), Sa = L(), Ta = L(), Ua = L(), Va = L(), Wa = L(), Xa = L(), Ya = L(), Za = L(), 
    $a = L(), ab = L(), bb = L(), cb = L(), db = L(), eb = L(), fb = L(), gb = L(), hb = L(), ib = L(), 
    jb = L(), kb = L(), lb = L(), mb = L(), nb = L(), O = L(h), ob = L(), pb = L(), qb = L(), rb = L(), 
    sb = L(), tb = L(), ub = L(), vb = L(), wb = L(), xb = L(), P = L(h), yb = L(h), zb = L(h), Bb = L(h), 
    Cb = L(h), Db = L(h), Eb = L(h), Fb = L(h), Gb = L(h), Hb = L(h), Ib = L(h), Q = L(h), Jb = L(h), 
    Kb = L(h), Lb = L(h), Mb = L(h), Nb = L(h), Ob = L(h), Pb = L(h), Qb = L(h), Rb = L(h), Sb = L(h), 
    Tb = L(h), Ub = L(h), Vb = L(h), Wb = L(), Xb = L(), Yb = L();
    var Zb = L(), $b = L(), ac = L(), bc = L(), cc = L(), dc = L(), ec = L(), hc = L(), ic = L(), jc = L();
    var kc = L(), lc = L();
    var mc = function ()
        function a(a, c, d)
            R(S[v], a, c, d)
        T("_getName", Ka, 58);
        T("_getAccount", Ia, 64);
        T("_visitCode", P, 54);
        T("_getClientInfo", Ta, 53, 1);
        T("_getDetectTitle", Wa, 56, 1);
        T("_getDetectFlash", Ua, 65, 1);
        T("_getLocalGifPath", fb, 57);
        T("_getServiceMode", gb, 59);
        U("_setClientInfo", Ta, 66, 2);
        U("_setAccount", Ia, 3);
        U("_setNamespace", Ja, 48);
        U("_setAllowLinker", Qa, 11, 2);
        U("_setDetectFlash", Ua, 61, 2);
        U("_setDetectTitle", Wa, 62, 2);
        U("_setLocalGifPath", fb, 46, 0);
        U("_setLocalServerMode", gb, 92, g, 0);
        U("_setRemoteServerMode", gb, 63, g, 1);
        U("_setLocalRemoteServerMode", gb, 47, g, 2);
        U("_setSampleRate", eb, 45, 1);
        U("_setCampaignTrack", Va, 36, 2);
        U("_setAllowAnchor", Ra, 7, 2);
        U("_setCampNameKey", Ya, 41);
        U("_setCampContentKey", cb, 38);
        U("_setCampIdKey", Xa, 39);
        U("_setCampMediumKey", ab, 40);
        U("_setCampNOKey", db, 42);
        U("_setCampSourceKey", $a, 43);
        U("_setCampTermKey", bb, 44);
        U("_setCampCIdKey", Za, 37);
        U("_setCookiePath", N, 9, 0);
        U("_setMaxCustomVariables", hb, 0, 1);
        U("_setVisitorCookieTimeout", Na, 28, 1);
        U("_setSessionCookieTimeout", Oa, 26, 1);
        U("_setCampaignCookieTimeout", Pa, 29, 1);
        U("_setReferrerOverride", qb, 49);
        U("_setSiteSpeedSampleRate", ic, 132);
        a("_trackPageview", S[v].na, 1);
        a("_trackEvent", S[v].v, 4);
        a("_trackPageLoadTime", S[v].ma, 100);
        a("_trackSocial", S[v].oa, 104);
        a("_trackTrans", S[v].pa, 18);
        a("_sendXEvent", S[v].u, 78);
        a("_createEventTracker", S[v].V, 74);
        a("_getVersion", S[v].$, 60);
        a("_setDomainName", S[v].t, 6);
        a("_setAllowHash", S[v].ea, 8);
        a("_getLinkerUrl", S[v].Z, 52);
        a("_link", S[v].link, 101);
        a("_linkByPost", S[v].da, 102);
        a("_setTrans", S[v].ha, 20);
        a("_addTrans", S[v].O, 21);
        a("_addItem", S[v].M, 19);
        a("_setTransactionDelim", S[v].ia, 82);
        a("_setCustomVar", S[v].fa, 10);
        a("_deleteCustomVar", S[v].X, 35);
        a("_getVisitorCustomVar", S[v].aa, 50);
        a("_setXKey", S[v].ka, 83);
        a("_setXValue", S[v].la, 84);
        a("_getXKey", S[v].ba, 76);
        a("_getXValue", S[v].ca, 77);
        a("_clearXKey", S[v].S, 72);
        a("_clearXValue", S[v].T, 73);
        a("_createXObj", S[v].W, 75);
        a("_addIgnoredOrganic", S[v].K, 15);
        a("_clearIgnoredOrganic", S[v].P, 97);
        a("_addIgnoredRef", S[v].L, 31);
        a("_clearIgnoredRef", S[v].Q, 32);
        a("_addOrganic", S[v].N, 14);
        a("_clearOrganic", S[v].R, 70);
        a("_cookiePathCopy", S[v].U, 30);
        a("_get", S[v].Y, 106);
        a("_set", S[v].ga, 107);
        a("_addEventListener", S[v].addEventListener, 108);
        a("_removeEventListener", S[v].removeEventListener, 109);
        a("_initData", S[v].m, 2);
        a("_setVar", S[v].ja, 22);
        U("_setSessionTimeout", Oa, 27, 3);
        U("_setCookieTimeout", Pa, 25, 3);
        U("_setCookiePersistence", Na, 24, 1);
        a("_setAutoTrackOutbound", wa, 79);
        a("_setTrackOutboundSubdomains", wa, 81);
        a("_setHrefExamineLimit", wa, 80)
    R = function (a, b, c, d)
        a[b] = function ()
            try {
                return G(d), c.apply(this, arguments)
            catch (a) {
                throw Fa("exc", b, a && a[r]), a;
    T = function (a, b, c, d)
        S[v][a] = function ()
            try {
                return G(c), sa(this.a.get(b), d)
            catch (e) {
                throw Fa("exc", a, e && e[r]), e;
    U = function (a, b, c, d, e)
        S[v][a] = function (f)
            try {
                G(c), e == g ? this.a.set(b, sa(f, d)) : this.a.set(b, e)
            catch (l) {
                throw Fa("exc", a, l && l[r]), l;
    nc = function (a, b)
        return {
            type : b, target : a,
            stopPropagation : function ()
                throw "aborted";
    var oc = function (a, b)
        return b !== "/" ? j : (a[p]("www.google.") == 0 || a[p](".google.") == 0 || a[p]("google.") == 0) && !(a[p]("google.org") > -1) ? h : j;
    pc = function (a)
        var b = a.get(Ma), c = a[y](N, "/");
        oc(b, c) && a[pa]()
    var uc = function ()
        var a = {}, b = {}, c = new qc;
        this.g = function (a, b)
            c.add(a, b)
        var d = new qc;
        this.d = function (a, b)
            d.add(a, b)
        var e = j, f = j, l = h;
        this.J = function ()
            e = h;
        this.f = function (a)
            this [ja]();
            this.set(Wb, a, h);
            a = new rc(this);
            e = j;
            e = h;
            b = {};
        this.load = function ()
            e && (e = j, this.sa(), sc(this), f || (f = h, c.execute(this), tc(this), sc(this)), e = h);
        this.i = function ()
            if (e) {
                if (f) {
                    e = j, tc(this), e = h;
                else {
                    this [ja]();
        this.get = function (c)
            c && c[n](0) == "_" && this [ja]();
            return b[c] !== g ? b[c] : a[c];
        this.set = function (c, d, e)
            c && c[n](0) == "_" && this [ja]();
            e ? b[c] = d : a[c] = d;
            c && c[n](0) == "_" && this.i()
        this.n = function (b)
            a[b] = this.b(b, 0) + 1;
        this.b = function (a, b)
            var c = this.get(a);
            return c == g || c === "" ? b : c * 1;
        this.getString = function (a, b)
            var c = this.get(a);
            return c == g ? b : c + "";
        this.sa = function ()
            if (l) {
                var b = this [y](Ma, ""), c = this [y](N, "/");
                oc(b, c) || (a[M] = a[Sa] && b != "" ? ua(b) : 1, l = j);
    uc[v].stopPropagation = function ()
        throw "aborted";
    var rc = function (a)
        var b = this;
        this.j = 0;
        var c = a.get(Xb);
        this.Aa = function ()
            b.j > 0 && c && (b.j--, b.j || c())
        this.qa = function ()
            !b.j && c && da(c, 0)
        a.set(Yb, b, h)
    function vc(a, b)
        for (var b = b || [], c = 0; c < b[u]; c++) {
            var d = b[c];
            if ("" + a == d || d[p](a + ".") == 0) {
                return d;
        return "-"
    var xc = function (a, b, c)
        c = c ? "" : a[y](M, "1");
        b = b[w](".");
        if (b[u] !== 6 || wc(b[0], c)) {
            return j;
        var c = b[1] * 1, d = b[2] * 1, e = b[3] * 1, f = b[4] * 1, b = b[5] * 1;
        if (!(c >= 0 && d > 0 && e > 0 && f > 0 && b >= 0)) {
            return G(110), j;
        a.set(P, c);
        a.set(Cb, d);
        a.set(Db, e);
        a.set(Eb, f);
        a.set(Fb, b);
        return h;
    yc = function (a)
        var b = a.get(P), c = a.get(Cb), d = a.get(Db), e = a.get(Eb), f = a.b(Fb, 1);
        b == g ? G(113) : b == NaN && G(114);
        b >= 0 && c > 0 && d > 0 && e > 0 && f >= 0 || G(115);
        return [a.b(M, 1), b != g ? b : "-", c || "-", d || "-", e || "-", f][A](".");
    zc = function (a)
        return [a.b(M, 1), a.b(Ib, 0), a.b(Q, 1), a.b(Jb, 0)][A](".");
    Ac = function (a, b, c)
        var c = c ? "" : a[y](M, "1"), d = b[w](".");
        if (d[u] !== 4 || wc(d[0], c)) {
            d = i;
        a.set(Ib, d ? d[1] * 1 : 0);
        a.set(Q, d ? d[2] * 1 : 10);
        a.set(Jb, d ? d[3] * 1 : a.get(La));
        return d != i || !wc(b, c);
    Bc = function (a, b)
        var c = F(a[y](zb, "")), d = [], e = a.get(O);
        if (!b && e)
            for (var f = 0; f < e[u]; f++) {
                var l = e[f];
                l && l[qa] == 1 && d[m](f + "=" + F(l[r]) + "=" + F(l[la]) + "=1")
            d[u] > 0 && (c += "|" + d[A](","))
        return c ? a.b(M, 1) + "." + c : i;
    Cc = function (a, b, c)
        c = c ? "" : a[y](M, "1");
        b = b[w](".");
        if (b[u] < 2 || wc(b[0], c)) {
            return j;
        b = b[ha](1)[A](".")[w]("|");
        b[u] > 0 && a.set(zb, H(b[0]));
        if (b[u] <= 1) {
            return h;
        for (var c = b[1][w](b[1][p](",") ==- 1 ? "^" : ","), d = 0; d < c[u]; d++)
            var e = c[d][w]("=");
            if (e[u] == 4) {
                var f = {};
                ga(f, H(e[1]));
                f.value = H(e[2]);
                f.scope = 1;
                a.get(O)[e[0]] = f;
        b[1][p]("^") >= 0 && G(125);
        return h;
    Ec = function (a, b)
        var c = Dc(a, b);
        return c ? [a.b(M, 1), a.b(Kb, 0), a.b(Lb, 1), a.b(Mb, 1), c][A](".") : "";
    Dc = function (a)
        function b(b, e)
            if (!E(a.get(b))) {
                var f = a[y](b, ""), f = f[w](" ")[A]("%20"), f = f[w]("+")[A]("%20");
                c[m](e + "=" + f)
        var c = [];
        b(Ob, "utmcid");
        b(Sb, "utmcsr");
        b(Qb, "utmgclid");
        b(Rb, "utmdclid");
        b(Pb, "utmccn");
        b(Tb, "utmcmd");
        b(Ub, "utmctr");
        b(Vb, "utmcct");
        return c[A]("|");
    Gc = function (a, b, c)
        c = c ? "" : a[y](M, "1");
        b = b[w](".");
        if (b[u] < 5 || wc(b[0], c))
            return a.set(Kb, g), a.set(Lb, g), a.set(Mb, g), a.set(Ob, g), a.set(Pb, g), a.set(Sb, g), 
            a.set(Tb, g), a.set(Ub, g), a.set(Vb, g), a.set(Qb, g), a.set(Rb, g), j;
        a.set(Kb, b[1] * 1);
        a.set(Lb, b[2] * 1);
        a.set(Mb, b[3] * 1);
        Fc(a, b[ha](4)[A]("."));
        return h;
    Fc = function (a, b)
        function c(a)
            return (a = b[ma](a + "=(.*?)(?:\\|utm|$)")) && a[u] == 2 ? a[1] : g
        function d(b, c)
            c && (c = e ? H(c) : c[w]("%20")[A](" "), a.set(b, c))
        b[p]("=") ==- 1 && (b = H(b));
        var e = c("utmcvr") == "2";
        d(Ob, c("utmcid"));
        d(Pb, c("utmccn"));
        d(Sb, c("utmcsr"));
        d(Tb, c("utmcmd"));
        d(Ub, c("utmctr"));
        d(Vb, c("utmcct"));
        d(Qb, c("utmgclid"));
        d(Rb, c("utmdclid"))
    wc = function (a, b)
        return b ? a != b :!/^\d+$/.test(a);
    var qc = function ()
        this.s = [];
    qc[v].add = function (a, b)
            name : a, Da : b
    qc[v].execute = function (a)
        try {
            for (var b = 0; b < this.s[u]; b++) {
                this.s[b].Da.call(V, a);
        catch (c) {}
    function Hc(a)
        a.get(eb) != 100 && a.get(P) % 1E4 >= a.get(eb) * 100 && a[pa]()
    function Ic(a)
        Jc() && a[pa]()
    function Kc(a)
        J[x].protocol == "file:" && a[pa]()
    function Lc(a)
        a.get(pb) || a.set(pb, J.title, h);
        a.get(ob) || a.set(ob, J[x].pathname + J[x].search, h)
    var Mc = new function ()
        var a = [];
        this.set = function (b)
            a[b] = h;
        this.Ea = function ()
            for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a[u]; c++) {
                a[c] && (b[k[ka](c  / 6)]^ = 1 << c % 6);
            for (c = 0; c < b[u]; c++)
                b[c] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"[n](b[c] || 0);
            return b[A]("") + "~";
    function G(a)
    var V = window, J = document, Jc = function ()
        var a = V._gaUserPrefs;
        return a && a.ioo && a.ioo();
    Nc = function (a, b)
        da(a, b)
    W = function (a)
        for (var b = [], c = J.cookie[w](";"), a = RegExp("^\\s*" + a + "=\\s*(.*?)\\s*$"), d = 0; d < c[u]; d++) {
            var e = c[d][ma](a);
            e && b[m](e[1])
        return b;
    X = function (a, b, c, d, e)
        var f;
        f = Jc() ? j : oc(d, c) ? j : h;
        if (f)
            if (b && V[ra].userAgent[p]("Firefox") >= 0)
                b = b[ia](/\n|\r/g, " ");
                f = 0;
                for (var l = b[u]; f < l; ++f) {
                    var o = b.charCodeAt(f) & 255;
                    if (o == 10 || o == 13) {
                        b = b[z](0, f) + "?" + b[z](f + 1);
            b && b[u] > 2E3 && (b = b[z](0, 2E3), G(69));
            a = a + "=" + b + "; path=" + c + "; ";
            e && (a += "expires=" + (new Date((new Date).getTime() + e)).toGMTString() + "; ");
            d && (a += "domain=" + d + ";");
            J.cookie = a;
    var Oc, Pc, Qc = function ()
        if (!Oc)
            var a = {}, b = V[ra], c = V.screen;
            a.H = c ? c.width + "x" + c.height : "-";
            a.G = c ? c.colorDepth + "-bit" : "-";
            a.language = (b && (b.language || b.browserLanguage) || "-")[C]();
            a.javaEnabled = b && b.javaEnabled() ? 1 : 0;
            a.characterSet = J.characterSet || J.charset || "-";
            Oc = a;
    Rc = function ()
        for (var a = Oc, b = V[ra], a = b.appName + b.version + a.language + b.platform + b.userAgent + a.javaEnabled + a.H + a.G + (J.cookie ? J.cookie : "") + (J.referrer ? J.referrer : ""), 
        b = a[u], c = V.history[u];
        c > 0;
        ) a += c--^b++;
        return ua(a);
    Sc = function (a)
        var b = Oc;
        a.set(sb, b.H);
        a.set(tb, b.G);
        a.set(wb, b.language);
        a.set(xb, b.characterSet);
        a.set(ub, b.javaEnabled);
        if (a.get(Ta) && a.get(Ua))
            if (!(b = Pc))
                var c, d, e;
                d = "ShockwaveFlash";
                if ((b = (b = V[ra]) ? b.plugins : g) && b[u] > 0)
                    for (c = 0; c < b[u] && !e; c++) {
                        d = b[c], d[r][p]("Shockwave Flash") > - 1 && (e = d.description[w]("Shockwave Flash ")[1]);
                    d = d + "." + d;
                    try {
                        c = new ActiveXObject(d + ".7"), e = c.GetVariable("$version")
                    catch (f) {}
                    if (!e)
                            c = new ActiveXObject(d + ".6"), e = "WIN 6,0,21,0", c.AllowScriptAccess = "always", 
                            e = c.GetVariable("$version") 
                        catch (l) {}
                    if (!e) {
                        try {
                            c = new ActiveXObject(d), e = c.GetVariable("$version") 
                        catch (o) {}
                    e && (e = e[w](" ")[1][w](","), e = e[0] + "." + e[1] + " r" + e[2])
                b = e ? e : "-"
            Pc = b;
            a.set(vb, Pc)
        else {
            a.set(vb, "-");
    var Y = function ()
        R(Y[v], "push", Y[v][m], 5);
        R(Y[v], "_createAsyncTracker", Y[v].Ba, 33);
        R(Y[v], "_getAsyncTracker", Y[v].Ca, 34);
        this.r = 0;
    Y[v].Ba = function (a, b)
        return K.l(a, b || "");
    Y[v].Ca = function (a)
        return K.p(a);
    Y[v].push = function (a)
        this.r > 0 && G(105);
        for (var b = arguments, c = 0, d = 0; d < b[u]; d++)
                if (typeof b[d] === "function")
                    var e = "", f = b[d][0], l = f.lastIndexOf(".");
                    l > 0 && (e = f[z](0, l), f = f[z](l + 1));
                    var o = e == "_gat" ? K : e == "_gaq" ? Tc : K.p(e);
                    o[f].apply(o, b[d][ha](1)) 
            catch (q) {
        return c;
    var Yc = function ()
        function a(a, b, c, d)
            g == f[a] && (f[a] = {});
            g == f[a][b] && (f[a][b] = []);
            f[a][b][c] = d
        function b(a, b, c)
            if (g != f[a] && g != f[a][b]) {
                return f[a][b][c];
        function c(a, b)
            if (g != f[a] && g != f[a][b]) {
                f[a][b] = g;
                var c = h, d;
                for (d = 0; d < l[u]; d++) {
                    if (g != f[a][l[d]]) {
                        c = j;
                    c && (f[a] = g);
        function d(a)
            var b = "", c = j, d, e;
            for (d = 0; d < l[u]; d++)
                if (e = a[l[d]], g != e) 
                    c && (b += l[d]);
                    for (var c = [], f = g, $ = g, $ = 0; $ < e[u]; $++)
                        if (g != e[$]) 
                            f = "";
                            $ != aa && g == e[$ - 1] && (f += $[t]() + na);
                            for (var Wc = e[$], Xc = "", Ab = g, fc = g, gc = g, Ab = 0; Ab < Wc[u]; Ab++) {
                                fc = Wc[n](Ab), gc = B[fc], Xc += g != gc ? gc : fc;
                            f += Xc;
                        b += o + c[A](s) + q;
                        c = j ;
                else {
                    c = h;
                return b;
        var e = this, f = [], l = ["k", "v"], o = "(", q = ")", s = "*", na = "!", B = {
            "'" : "'0"
        B[q] = "'1";
        B[s] = "'2";
        B[na] = "'3";
        var aa = 1;
        e.va = function (a)
            return g != f[a];
        e.o = function ()
            for (var a = "", b = 0; b < f[u]; b++) {
                g != f[b] && (a += b[t]() + d(f[b]));
            return a;
        e.ua = function (a)
            if (a == g) {
                return e.o();
            for (var b = a.o(), c = 0; c < f[u]; c++) {
                g != f[c] && !a.va(c) && (b += c[t]() + d(f[c]));
            return b;
        e.e = function (b, c, d)
            if (!Uc(d)) {
                return j;
            a(b, "k", c, d);
            return h;
        e.k = function (b, c, d)
            if (!Vc(d)) {
                return j;
            a(b, "v", c, d[t]());
            return h;
        e.getKey = function (a, c)
            return b(a, "k", c);
        e.C = function (a, c)
            return b(a, "v", c);
        e.A = function (a)
            c(a, "k")
        e.B = function (a)
            c(a, "v")
        R(e, "_setKey", e.e, 89);
        R(e, "_setValue", e.k, 90);
        R(e, "_getKey", e.getKey, 87);
        R(e, "_getValue", e.C, 88);
        R(e, "_clearKey", e.A, 85);
        R(e, "_clearValue", e.B, 86)
    function Uc(a)
        return typeof a == "string"
    function Vc(a)
        return typeof a != "number" && (g == Number || !(a instanceof Number)) || k.round(a) != a || a == NaN || a == ca ? j : h;
    var Zc = function (a)
        var b = V.gaGlobal;
        a && !b && (V.gaGlobal = b = {});
        return b;
    $c = function ()
        var a = Zc(h).hid;
        if (a == i) {
            a = va(), Zc(h).hid = a;
        return a;
    ad = function (a)
        a.set(rb, $c());
        var b = Zc();
        if (b && b.dh == a.get(M))
            var c = b.sid;
            c && (c == "0" && G(112), a.set(Eb, c), a.get(yb) && a.set(Db, c));
            b = b.vid;
            a.get(yb) && b && (b = b[w]("."), b[1] * 1 || G(112), a.set(P, b[0] * 1), a.set(Cb, b[1] * 1));
    var bd, cd = function (a, b, c)
        var d = a[y](Ma, ""), e = a[y](N, "/"), a = a.b(Na, 0);
        X(b, c, e, d, a)
    tc = function (a)
        var b = a[y](Ma, "");
        a.b(M, 1);
        var c = a[y](N, "/");
        X("__utma", yc(a), c, b, a.get(Na));
        X("__utmb", zc(a), c, b, a.get(Oa));
        X("__utmc", "" + a.b(M, 1), c, b);
        var d = Ec(a, h);
        d ? X("__utmz", d, c, b, a.get(Pa)) : X("__utmz", "", c, b, - 1);
        (d = Bc(a, j)) ? X("__utmv", d, c, b, a.get(Na)) : X("__utmv", "", c, b, - 1);
    sc = function (a)
        var b = a.b(M, 1);
        if (!xc(a, vc(b, W("__utma")))) {
            return a.set(Bb, h), j;
        var c = !Ac(a, vc(b, W("__utmb")));
        a.set(Hb, c);
        Gc(a, vc(b, W("__utmz")));
        Cc(a, vc(b, W("__utmv")));
        bd = !c;
        return h;
    dd = function (a)
        !bd && !(W("__utmb")[u] > 0) && (X("__utmd", "1", a[y](N, "/"), a[y](Ma, ""), 1E4), W("__utmd")[u] == 0 && a[pa]())
    var gd = function (a)
        a.get(P) == g ? ed(a) : a.get(Bb) && !a.get(kc) ? ed(a) : a.get(Hb) && fd(a)
    hd = function (a)
        a.get(Nb) && !a.get(Gb) && (fd(a), a.set(Lb, a.get(Fb)))
    ed = function (a)
        var b = a.get(La);
        a.set(yb, h);
        a.set(P, va()^Rc(a) & 2147483647);
        a.set(zb, "");
        a.set(Cb, b);
        a.set(Db, b);
        a.set(Eb, b);
        a.set(Fb, 1);
        a.set(Gb, h);
        a.set(Ib, 0);
        a.set(Q, 10);
        a.set(Jb, b);
        a.set(O, []);
        a.set(Bb, j);
        a.set(Hb, j)
    fd = function (a)
        a.set(Db, a.get(Eb));
        a.set(Eb, a.get(La));
        a.set(Gb, h);
        a.set(Ib, 0);
        a.set(Q, 10);
        a.set(Jb, a.get(La));
        a.set(Hb, j)
    var id = "daum:q,eniro:search_word,naver:query,pchome:q,images.google:q,google:q,yahoo:p,yahoo:q,msn:q,bing:q,aol:query,aol:q,lycos:query,ask:q,netscape:query,cnn:query,about:terms,mamma:q,voila:rdata,virgilio:qs,live:q,baidu:wd,alice:qs,yandex:text,najdi:q,seznam:q,search:q,wp:szukaj,onet:qt,szukacz:q,yam:k,kvasir:q,ozu:q,terra:query,rambler:query".split(","), 
    od = function (a)
        if (a.get(Va) && !a.get(kc))
            for (var b = !E(a.get(Ob)) || !E(a.get(Sb)) || !E(a.get(Qb)) || !E(a.get(Rb)), c = {},
            d = 0;
            d < jd[u];
            d++) {
                var e = jd[d];
                c[e] = a.get(e)
            d = Ca(J[x].href, a.get(Ra));
            if (!(za(d.c.get(a.get(db))) == "1" && b) && (d = kd(a, d) || ld(a), !d && !b && a.get(Gb) && (md(a, 
            g, "(direct)", g, g, "(direct)", "(none)", g, g), d = h), d && (a.set(Nb, nd(a, c)), b = a.get(Sb) == "(direct)" && a.get(Pb) == "(direct)" && a.get(Tb) == "(none)", 
            a.get(Nb) || a.get(Gb) && !b))) a.set(Kb, a.get(La)), a.set(Lb, a.get(Fb)), a.n(Mb);
    kd = function (a, b)
        function c(c, d)
            var d = d || "-", e = za(b.c.get(a.get(c)));
            return e && e != "-" ? H(e) : d
        var d = za(b.c.get(a.get(Xa))) || "-", e = za(b.c.get(a.get($a))) || "-", f = za(b.c.get(a.get(Za))) || "-", 
        l = za(b.c.get("dclid")) || "-", o = c(Ya, "(not set)"), q = c(ab, "(not set)"), s = c(bb), na = c(cb);
        if (E(d) && E(f) && E(l) && E(e)) {
            return j;
        if (E(s)) {
            var B = Ea(a.get(qb), a.get(N)), B = Ca(B, h);
            (B = pd(a, B)) && !E(B[1] && !B[2]) && (s = B[1])
        md(a, d, e, f, l, o, q, s, na);
        return h;
    ld = function (a)
        var b = Ea(a.get(qb), a.get(N)), c = Ca(b, h);
        if (!(b != g && b != i && b != "" && b != "0" && b != "-" && b[p]("://") >= 0) || c && c[oa][p]("google") > -1 && c.c.contains("q") && c.path == "cse") {
            return j;
        if ((b = pd(a, c)) && !b[2]) {
            return md(a, g, b[0], g, g, "(organic)", "organic", b[1], g), h;
        else if (b) {
            return j;
        if (a.get(Gb))
            a : 
                for (var b = a.get(kb), d = Ba(c[oa]), e = 0; e < b[u]; ++e)
                    if (d[p](b[e]) > - 1) {
                        a = j;
                        break a 
                    md(a, g, d, g, g, "(referral)", "referral", g, "/" + c.path);
                    a = h ;
        else {
            a = j;
        return a;
    pd = function (a, b)
        for (var c = a.get(ib), d = 0; d < c[u]; ++d)
            var e = c[d][w](":");
            if (b[oa][p](e[0][C]()) > -1)
                var f = b.c.get(e[1]);
                if (f && (f = I(f), !f && b[oa][p]("google.") > -1 && (f = "(not provided)"), !e[3] || b.url[p](e[3]) > -1))
                    a : {
                        for (var c = f, d = a.get(jb), c = H(c)[C](), l = 0; l < d[u]; ++l) {
                            if (c == d[l]) {
                                c = h;
                                break a 
                            c = j;
                    return [e[2] || e[0], f, c];
        return i;
    md = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, l, o, q)
        a.set(Ob, b);
        a.set(Sb, c);
        a.set(Qb, d);
        a.set(Rb, e);
        a.set(Pb, f);
        a.set(Tb, l);
        a.set(Ub, o);
        a.set(Vb, q)
    jd = [Pb, Ob, Qb, Rb, Sb, Tb, Ub, Vb], nd = function (a, b)
        function c(a)
            a = ("" + a)[w]("+")[A]("%20");
            return a = a[w](" ")[A]("%20")
        function d(c)
            var d = "" + (a.get(c) || ""), c = "" + (b[c] || "");
            return d[u] > 0 && d == c
        if (d(Qb) || d(Rb)) {
            return G(131), j;
        for (var e = 0; e < jd[u]; e++) {
            var f = jd[e], l = b[f] || "-", f = a.get(f) || "-";
            if (c(l) != c(f)) {
                return h;
        return j;
    var rd = function (a)
        qd(a, J[x].href) ? (a.set(kc, h), G(12)) : a.set(kc, j)
    qd = function (a, b)
        if (!a.get(Qa)) {
            return j;
        var c = Ca(b, a.get(Ra)), d = I(c.c.get("__utma")), e = I(c.c.get("__utmb")), f = I(c.c.get("__utmc")), 
        l = I(c.c.get("__utmx")), o = I(c.c.get("__utmz")), q = I(c.c.get("__utmv")), c = I(c.c.get("__utmk"));
        if (ua("" + d + e + f + l + o + q) != c)
            d = H(d);
            e = H(e);
            f = H(f);
            l = H(l);
            a : 
                for (var f = d + e + f + l, s = 0; s < 3; s++)
                    for (var na = 0; na < 3; na++)
                        if (c == ua(f + o + q)) {
                            c = [o, q];
                            break a
                        var B = o[ia](/ /g, "%20"), aa = q[ia](/ /g, "%20");
                        if (c == ua(f + B + aa)) {
                            c = [B, aa];
                            break a
                        B = B[ia](/\+/g, "%20");
                        aa = aa[ia](/\+/g, "%20");
                        if (c == ua(f + B + aa)) {
                            c = [B, aa];
                            break a
                        o = H(o)
                    q = H(q)
                c = g
            if (!c) {
                return j;
            o = c[0];
            q = c[1]
        if (!xc(a, d, h)) {
            return j;
        Ac(a, e, h);
        Gc(a, o, h);
        Cc(a, q, h);
        sd(a, l, h);
        return h;
    ud = function (a, b, c)
        var d;
        d = yc(a) || "-";
        var e = zc(a) || "-", f = "" + a.b(M, 1) || "-", l = td(a) || "-", o = Ec(a, j) || "-", a = Bc(a, 
        j) || "-", q = ua("" + d + e + f + l + o + a), s = [];
        s[m]("__utma=" + d);
        s[m]("__utmb=" + e);
        s[m]("__utmc=" + f);
        s[m]("__utmx=" + l);
        s[m]("__utmz=" + o);
        s[m]("__utmv=" + a);
        s[m]("__utmk=" + q);
        d = s[A]("&");
        if (!d) {
            return b;
        e = b[p]("#");
        return c ? e < 0 ? b + "#" + d : b + "&" + d : (c = "", f = b[p]("?"), e > 0 && (c = b[z](e), 
        b = b[z](0, e)), f < 0 ? b + "?" + d + c : b + "&" + d + c);
    var vd = "|", xd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, l, o, q)
        var s = wd(a, b);
        s || (s = {}, a.get(lb)[m](s));
        s.id_ = b;
        s.affiliation_ = c;
        s.total_ = d;
        s.tax_ = e;
        s.shipping_ = f;
        s.city_ = l;
        s.state_ = o;
        s.country_ = q;
        s.items_ = s.items_ || [];
        return s;
    yd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, l)
        var a = wd(a, b) || xd(a, b, "", 0, 0, 0, "", "", ""), o;
        a : 
            if (a && a.items_) {
                o = a.items_;
                for (var q = 0; q < o[u]; q++) if (o[q].sku_ == c) {
                    o = o[q];
                    break a
            o = i
        q = o || {};
        q.transId_ = b;
        q.sku_ = c;
        q.name_ = d;
        q.category_ = e;
        q.price_ = f;
        q.quantity_ = l;
        o || a.items_[m](q);
        return q;
    wd = function (a, b)
        for (var c = a.get(lb), d = 0; d < c[u]; d++) {
            if (c[d].id_ == b) {
                return c[d];
            return i;
    var zd, Ad = function (a)
        var f;
        var e;
        if (!zd)
            var b;
            b = J[x].hash;
            var c = V[r], d = /^#?gaso=([^&]*)/;
            if (f = (e = (b = b && b[ma](d) || c && c[ma](d)) ? b[1] : I(W("GASO")), b = e) && b[ma](/^(?:\|([-0-9a-z.]{1,40})\|)?([-.\w]{10,1200})$/i), 
            c = f) if (cd(a, "GASO", "" + b), K._gasoDomain = a.get(Ma), K._gasoCPath = a.get(N), b = "https://" + ((c[1] || "www") + ".google.com") + "/analytics/reporting/overlay_js?gaso=" + c[2] + "&" + va()) a = J.createElement("script"), 
            a.type = "text/javascript", a.async = h, a.src = b, a.id = "_gasojs", fa(a, g), b = J.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], 
            b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);
            zd = h;
    var sd = function (a, b, c)
        c && (b = H(b));
        c = a.b(M, 1);
        b = b[w](".");
        !(b[u] < 2) &&/^\d+$/.test(b[0]) && (b[0] = "" + c, cd(a, "__utmx", b[A](".")));
    td = function (a, b)
        var c = vc(a.get(M), W("__utmx"));
        c == "-" && (c = "");
        return b ? F(c) : c;
    var Fd = function (a, b)
        var c = k.min(a.b(ic, 0), 10);
        if (a.b(P, 0) % 100 >= c) {
            return j;
        c = Bd() || Cd();
        if (c == g) {
            return j;
        var d = c[0];
        if (d == g || d == ca || isNaN(d)) {
            return j;
        d > 0 ? Dd(c) ? b(Ed(c)) : b(Ed(c[ha](0, 1))) : xa(V, "load", function ()
            Fd(a, b)
        }, j);
        return h;
    Dd = function (a)
        for (var b = 1; b < a[u]; b++) {
            if (isNaN(a[b]) || a[b] == ca || a[b] < 0) {
                return j;
            return h;
    Ed = function (a)
        for (var b = new Yc, c = 0; c < a[u]; c++)
            b.e(14, c + 1, (isNaN(a[c]) || a[c] < 0 ? 0 : a[c] < 5E3 ? k[ka](a[c]  / 10) * 10 : a[c] < 45E4 ? k[ka](a[c]  / 100) * 100 : 45E4) + ""), 
            b.k(14, c + 1, a[c]);
        return b;
    Bd = function ()
        var a = V.performance || V.webkitPerformance;
        if (a = a && a.timing)
            var b = a.navigationStart;
            if (b == 0) {
                return [a.loadEventStart - b, a.domainLookupEnd - a.domainLookupStart, a.connectEnd - a.connectStart, 
                a.responseStart - a.requestStart, a.responseEnd - a.responseStart, a.fetchStart - b];
    Cd = function ()
        if (V.top == V)
            var a = V.external, b = a && a.onloadT;
            a && !a.isValidLoadTime && (b = g);
            b > 2147483648 && (b = g);
            b > 0 && a.setPageReadyTime();
            return b == g ? g : [b];
    var S = function (a, b, c)
        function d(a)
            return function (b)
                if ((b = b.get(lc)[a]) && b[u]) {
                    for (var c = nc(e, a), d = 0; d < b[u]; d++) {
                        b[d].call(e, c);
        var e = this;
        this.a = new uc;
        this.get = function (a)
            return this.a.get(a);
        this.set = function (a, b, c)
            this.a.set(a, b, c)
        this.set(Ia, b || "UA-XXXXX-X");
        this.set(Ka, a || "");
        this.set(Ja, c || "");
        this.set(La, k.round((new Date).getTime() / 1E3));
        this.set(N, "/");
        this.set(Na, 63072E6);
        this.set(Pa, 15768E6);
        this.set(Oa, 18E5);
        this.set(Qa, j);
        this.set(hb, 50);
        this.set(Ra, j);
        this.set(Sa, h);
        this.set(Ta, h);
        this.set(Ua, h);
        this.set(Va, h);
        this.set(Wa, h);
        this.set(Ya, "utm_campaign");
        this.set(Xa, "utm_id");
        this.set(Za, "gclid");
        this.set($a, "utm_source");
        this.set(ab, "utm_medium");
        this.set(bb, "utm_term");
        this.set(cb, "utm_content");
        this.set(db, "utm_nooverride");
        this.set(eb, 100);
        this.set(ic, 1);
        this.set(jc, j);
        this.set(fb, "/__utm.gif");
        this.set(gb, 1);
        this.set(lb, []);
        this.set(O, []);
        this.set(ib, id[ha](0));
        this.set(jb, []);
        this.set(kb, []);
        this.set(qb, this.ra());
        this.set(lc, {
            hit : [], load : []
        this.a.g("0", rd);
        this.a.g("1", gd);
        this.a.g("2", od);
        this.a.g("3", hd);
        this.a.g("4", d("load"));
        this.a.g("5", Ad);
        this.a.d("A", Ic);
        this.a.d("B", Kc);
        this.a.d("C", gd);
        this.a.d("D", Hc);
        this.a.d("E", pc);
        this.a.d("F", Gd);
        this.a.d("G", dd);
        this.a.d("H", Lc);
        this.a.d("I", Sc);
        this.a.d("J", ad);
        this.a.d("K", d("hit"));
        this.a.d("L", Hd);
        this.a.d("M", Id);
        this.get(La) === 0 && G(111);
        this.w = g;
    D = S[v];
    D.h = function ()
        var a = this.get(mb);
        a || (a = new Yc, this.set(mb, a));
        return a;
    D.ta = function (a)
        for (var b in a) {
            var c = a[b];
            a.hasOwnProperty(b) && typeof c != "function" && this.set(b, c, h)
    D.z = function (a)
        if (this.get(jc)) {
            return j;
        var b = this, c = Fd(this.a, function (c)
            b.set(ob, a, h);
        this.set(jc, c);
        return c;
    D.na = function (a)
        a && a != g && (a.constructor + "")[p]("String") > -1 ? (G(13), this.set(ob, a, h)) : typeof a === "object" && a !== i && this.ta(a);
        this.w = a = this.get(ob);
    D.v = function (a, b, c, d, e)
        if (a == "" || !Uc(a) || b == "" || !Uc(b)) {
            return j;
        if (c != g && !Uc(c)) {
            return j;
        if (d != g && !Vc(d)) {
            return j;
        this.set($b, a, h);
        this.set(ac, b, h);
        this.set(bc, c, h);
        this.set(cc, d, h);
        this.set(Zb, !!e, h);
        return h;
    D.oa = function (a, b, c, d)
        if (!a || !b) {
            return j;
        this.set(dc, a, h);
        this.set(ec, b, h);
        this.set(hc, c || J[x].href, h);
        d && this.set(ob, d, h);
        return h;
    D.ma = function ()
        this.set(ic, 10);
    D.pa = function ()
    D.u = function (a)
        this.set(nb, a, h);
    D.V = function (a)
        var b = this;
        return {
            _trackEvent : function (c, d, e)
                b.v(a, c, d, e)
    D.Y = function (a)
        return this.get(a);
    D.ga = function (a, b)
        if (a)
            if (a != g && (a.constructor + "")[p]("String") > - 1) {
                this.set(a, b);
            else if (typeof a == "object") {
                for (var c in a) {
                    a.hasOwnProperty(c) && this.set(c, a[c]);
    D.addEventListener = function (a, b)
        var c = this.get(lc)[a];
        c && c[m](b)
    D.removeEventListener = function (a, b)
        for (var c = this.get(lc)[a], d = 0; c && d < c[u]; d++) if (c[d] == b) {
            c.splice(d, 1);
    D.$ = function ()
        return "5.2.2";
    D.t = function (a)
        a = a == "auto" ? Ba(J.domain) :!a || a == "-" || a == "none" ? "" : a[C]();
        this.set(Ma, a)
    D.ea = function (a)
        this.set(Sa, !!a)
    D.Z = function (a, b)
        return ud(this.a, a, b);
    D.link = function (a, b)
        if (this.a.get(Qa) && a) {
            var c = ud(this.a, a, b);
            J[x].href = c;
    D.da = function (a, b)
        this.a.get(Qa) && a && a.action && (a.action = ud(this.a, a.action, b));
    D.ha = function ()
        var a = this.a, b = J.getElementById ? J.getElementById("utmtrans") : J.utmform && J.utmform.utmtrans ? J.utmform.utmtrans : i;
        if (b && b[la])
            a.set(lb, []);
            for (var b = b[la][w]("UTM:"), c = 0; c < b[u]; c++)
                b[c] = ta(b[c]);
                for (var d = b[c][w](vd), e = 0; e < d[u]; e++) {
                    d[e] = ta(d[e]);
                "T" == d[0] ? xd(a, d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8]) : "I" == d[0] && yd(a, 
                d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6])
    D.O = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, l, o)
        return xd(this.a, a, b, c, d, e, f, l, o);
    D.M = function (a, b, c, d, e, f)
        return yd(this.a, a, b, c, d, e, f);
    D.ia = function (a)
        vd = a || "|";
    D.fa = function (a, b, c, d)
        var e = this.a;
        if (a <= 0 || a > e.get(hb)) {
            a = j;
        else if (!b || !c || F(b)[u] + F(c)[u] > 64) {
            a = j;
        else {
            d != 1 && d != 2 && (d = 3);
            var f = {};
            ga(f, b);
            f.value = c;
            f.scope = d;
            e.get(O)[a] = f;
            a = h
        a && this.a.i();
        return a;
    D.X = function (a)
        this.a.get(O)[a] = g;
    D.aa = function (a)
        return (a = this.a.get(O)[a]) && a[qa] == 1 ? a[la] : g;
    D.ka = function (a, b, c)
        this.h().e(a, b, c)
    D.la = function (a, b, c)
        this.h().k(a, b, c)
    D.ba = function (a, b)
        return this.h().getKey(a, b);
    D.ca = function (a, b)
        return this.h().C(a, b);
    D.S = function (a)
    D.T = function (a)
    D.W = function ()
        return new Yc;
    D.K = function (a)
        a && this.get(jb)[m](a[C]())
    D.P = function ()
        this.set(jb, [])
    D.L = function (a)
        a && this.get(kb)[m](a[C]())
    D.Q = function ()
        this.set(kb, [])
    D.N = function (a, b, c, d, e)
        if (a && b)
            a = [a, b[C]()][A](":");
            if (d || e) {
                a = [a, d, e][A](":");
            d = this.get(ib);
            d.splice(c ? 0 : d[u], 0, a)
    D.R = function ()
        this.set(ib, [])
    D.U = function (a)
        var b = this.get(N), c = td(this.a);
        this.set(N, a);
        sd(this.a, c);
        this.set(N, b)
    D.ra = function ()
        return J.referrer;
    D.m = function ()
    D.ja = function (a)
        a && a != "" && (this.set(zb, a), this.a.f("var"))
    var Gd = function (a)
        a.get(Wb) !== "trans" && a.b(Ib, 0) >= 500 && a[pa]();
        if (a.get(Wb) === "event")
            var b = (new Date).getTime(), c = a.b(Jb, 0), d = a.b(Eb, 0), c = k[ka](0.2 * ((b - (c != d ? c : c * 1E3)) / 1E3));
            c > 0 && (a.set(Jb, b), a.set(Q, k.min(10, a.b(Q, 0) + c)));
            a.b(Q, 0) <= 0 && a[pa]()
    Id = function (a)
        a.get(Wb) === "event" && a.set(Q, k.max(0, a.b(Q, 10) - 1))
    var Jd = function ()
        var a = [];
        this.add = function (b, c, d)
            d && (c = F("" + c));
            a[m](b + "=" + c)
        this.toString = function ()
            return a[A]("&");
    Kd = function (a, b)
        (b || a.get(gb) != 2) && a.n(Ib)
    Ld = function (a, b)
        b.add("utmwv", "5.2.2");
        b.add("utms", a.get(Ib));
        b.add("utmn", va());
        var c = J[x].hostname;
        E(c) || b.add("utmhn", c, h);
        c = a.get(eb);
        c != 100 && b.add("utmsp", c, h)
    Nd = function (a, b)
        b.add("utmac", a.get(Ia));
        a.get(Zb) && b.add("utmni", 1);
        Md(a, b);
        K.q && b.add("aip", 1);
        b.add("utmu", Mc.Ea())
    Md = function (a, b)
        function c(a, b)
            b && d[m](a + "=" + b + ";")
        var d = [];
        c("__utma", yc(a));
        c("__utmz", Ec(a, j));
        c("__utmv", Bc(a, h));
        c("__utmx", td(a));
        b.add("utmcc", d[A]("+"), h)
    Od = function (a, b)
        a.get(Ta) && (b.add("utmcs", a.get(xb), h), b.add("utmsr", a.get(sb)), b.add("utmsc", a.get(tb)), 
        b.add("utmul", a.get(wb)), b.add("utmje", a.get(ub)), b.add("utmfl", a.get(vb), h))
    Pd = function (a, b)
        a.get(Wa) && a.get(pb) && b.add("utmdt", a.get(pb), h);
        b.add("utmhid", a.get(rb));
        b.add("utmr", Ea(a.get(qb), a.get(N)), h);
        b.add("utmp", F(a.get(ob), h), h)
    Qd = function (a, b)
        for (var c = a.get(mb), d = a.get(nb), e = a.get(O) || [], f = 0; f < e[u]; f++)
            var l = e[f];
            l && (c || (c = new Yc), c.e(8, f, l[r]), c.e(9, f, l[la]), l[qa] != 3 && c.e(11, f, "" + l[qa]))
        !E(a.get($b)) && !E(a.get(ac), h) && (c || (c = new Yc), c.e(5, 1, a.get($b)), c.e(5, 2, a.get(ac)), 
        e = a.get(bc), e != g && c.e(5, 3, e), e = a.get(cc), e != g && c.k(5, 1, e));
        c ? b.add("utme", c.ua(d), h) : d && b.add("utme", d.o(), h)
    Rd = function (a, b, c)
        var d = new Jd;
        Kd(a, c);
        Ld(a, d);
        d.add("utmt", "tran");
        d.add("utmtid", b.id_, h);
        d.add("utmtst", b.affiliation_, h);
        d.add("utmtto", b.total_, h);
        d.add("utmttx", b.tax_, h);
        d.add("utmtsp", b.shipping_, h);
        d.add("utmtci", b.city_, h);
        d.add("utmtrg", b.state_, h);
        d.add("utmtco", b.country_, h);
        !c && Nd(a, d);
        return d[t]();
    Sd = function (a, b, c)
        var d = new Jd;
        Kd(a, c);
        Ld(a, d);
        d.add("utmt", "item");
        d.add("utmtid", b.transId_, h);
        d.add("utmipc", b.sku_, h);
        d.add("utmipn", b.name_, h);
        d.add("utmiva", b.category_, h);
        d.add("utmipr", b.price_, h);
        d.add("utmiqt", b.quantity_, h);
        !c && Nd(a, d);
        return d[t]();
    Td = function (a, b)
        var c = a.get(Wb);
        if (c == "page") {
            c = new Jd, Kd(a, b), Ld(a, c), Qd(a, c), Od(a, c), Pd(a, c), b || Nd(a, c), c = [c[t]()];
        else if (c == "event")
            c = new Jd, Kd(a, b), Ld(a, c), c.add("utmt", "event"), Qd(a, c), Od(a, c), Pd(a, c), !b && Nd(a, 
            c), c = [c[t]()];
        else if (c == "var") {
            c = new Jd, Kd(a, b), Ld(a, c), c.add("utmt", "var"), !b && Nd(a, c), c = [c[t]()];
        else if (c == "trans")
            for (var c = [], d = a.get(lb), e = 0; e < d[u]; ++e) {
                c[m](Rd(a, d[e], b));
                for (var f = d[e].items_, l = 0; l < f[u]; ++l) {
                    c[m](Sd(a, f[l], b)) ;
            c == "social" ? b ? c = [] : (c = new Jd, Kd(a, b), Ld(a, c), c.add("utmt", "social"), c.add("utmsn", 
            a.get(dc), h), c.add("utmsa", a.get(ec), h), c.add("utmsid", a.get(hc), h), Qd(a, c), Od(a, 
            c), Pd(a, c), Nd(a, c), c = [c[t]()]) : c = [];
        return c;
    Hd = function (a)
        var b, c = a.get(gb), d = a.get(Yb), e = d && d.Aa, f = 0;
        if (c == 0 || c == 2) {
            var l = a.get(fb) + "?";
            b = Td(a, h);
            for (var o = 0, q = b[u]; o < q; o++) {
                Ga(b[o], e, l, h), f++;
        if (c == 1 || c == 2)
            b = Td(a);
            o = 0;
            for (q = b[u]; o < q; o++) {
                try {
                    Ga(b[o], e), f++ 
                catch (s) {
                    s && Fa(s[r], g, s.message) 
        if (d) {
            d.j = f;
    var Ud = "https:" == J[x].protocol ? "https://ssl.google-analytics.com" : "http://www.google-analytics.com", 
    Vd = function (a)
        ga(this, "len");
        this.message = a + "-8192";
    Wd = function (a)
        ga(this, "ff2post");
        this.message = a + "-2036";
    Ga = function (a, b, c, d)
        b = b || wa;
        if (d || a[u] <= 2036) {
            Xd(a, b, c);
        else if (a[u] <= 8192) {
            if (V[ra].userAgent[p]("Firefox") >= 0 && ![].reduce) {
                throw new Wd(a[u]);
            Yd(a, b) || Zd(a, b)
        else {
            throw new Vd(a[u]);
    Xd = function (a, b, c)
        var c = c || Ud + "/__utm.gif?", d = new Image(1, 1);
        d.src = c + a;
        fa(d, function ()
            fa(d, i);
            d.onerror = i;
        d.onerror = function ()
            fa(d, i);
            d.onerror = i;
    Yd = function (a, b)
        var c, d = Ud + "/p/__utm.gif", e = V.XDomainRequest;
        if (e) {
            c = new e, c.open("POST", d);
        else if (e = V.XMLHttpRequest)
            e = new e, "withCredentials"in e && (c = e, c.open("POST", d, h), c.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", 
        if (c) {
            return c.onreadystatechange = function () 
                c.readyState == 4 && (b(), c = i);
            c.send(a), h;
    Zd = function (a, b)
        if (J.body)
            a = ba(a);
            try {
                var c = J.createElement('<iframe name="' + a + '"></iframe>')
            catch (d) {
                c = J.createElement("iframe"), ga(c, a)
            c.height = "0";
            c.width = "0";
            c.style.display = "none";
            c.style.visibility = "hidden";
            var e = J[x], e = Ud + "/u/post_iframe.html#" + ba(e.protocol + "//" + e[oa] + "/favicon.ico"), 
            f = function ()
                c.src = "";
                c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c)
            xa(V, "beforeunload", f);
            var l = j, o = 0, q = function ()
                if (!l)
                        if (o > 9 || c.contentWindow[x][oa] == J[x][oa]) {
                            l = h;
                            ya(V, "beforeunload", f);
                    catch (a) {}
                    da(q, 200)
            xa(c, "load", q);
            c.src = e
        else {
            Nc(function () 
                Zd(a, b) 
            }, 100);
    var Z = function ()
        this.q = j;
        this.D = {};
        this.F = [];
        this.wa = 0;
        this._gasoCPath = this._gasoDomain = g;
        R(Z[v], "_createTracker", Z[v].l, 55);
        R(Z[v], "_getTracker", Z[v].ya, 0);
        R(Z[v], "_getTrackerByName", Z[v].p, 51);
        R(Z[v], "_getTrackers", Z[v].za, 130);
        R(Z[v], "_anonymizeIp", Z[v].xa, 16);
    D = Z[v];
    D.ya = function (a, b)
        return this.l(a, g, b);
    D.l = function (a, b, c)
        b && G(23);
        c && G(67);
        b == g && (b = "~" + K.wa++);
        a = new S(b, a, c);
        K.D[b] = a;
        return a;
    D.p = function (a)
        a = a || "";
        return K.D[a] || K.l(g, a);
    D.za = function ()
        return K.F[ha](0);
    D.xa = function ()
        this.q = h;
    var $d = function (a)
        if (J.webkitVisibilityState == "prerender") {
            return j;
        return h;
    var K = new Z;
    var ae = V._gat;
    ae && typeof ae._getTracker == "function" ? K = ae : V._gat = K;
    var Tc = new Y;
    (function (a)
        if (!$d(a))
            var b = j, c = function ()
                !b && $d(a) && (G(124), b = h, ya(J, "webkitvisibilitychange", c));
            xa(J, "webkitvisibilitychange", c)
    })(function ()
        var a = V._gaq, b = j;
        if (a && typeof a[m] == "function" && (b = Object[v][t].call(Object(a)) == "[object Array]", !b))
            Tc = a;
        V._gaq = Tc;
        b && Tc[m].apply(Tc, a)

■ 復元前のオリジナルソースコード(http://google-analytics.com/ga.js はてなブックマーク -

(function(){var g=void 0,h=true,i=null,j=false,ba=encodeURIComponent,ca=Infinity,da=setTimeout,ea=decodeURIComponent,k=Math;function fa(a,b){return a.onload=b}function ga(a,b){return a.name=b}var m="push",ha="slice",ia="replace",ja="load",ka="floor",n="charAt",la="value",p="indexOf",ma="match",r="name",oa="host",t="toString",u="length",v="prototype",w="split",pa="stopPropagation",qa="scope",x="location",y="getString",z="substring",ra="navigator",A="join",C="toLowerCase",D;function sa(a,b){switch(b){case 0:return""+a;case 1:return a*1;case 2:return!!a;case 3:return a*1E3}return a}function E(a,b){return g==a||"-"==a&&!b||""==a}function ta(a){if(!a||""==a)return"";for(;a&&" \n\r\t"[p](a[n](0))>-1;)a=a[z](1);for(;a&&" \n\r\t"[p](a[n](a[u]-1))>-1;)a=a[z](0,a[u]-1);return a}function ua(a){var b=1,c=0,d;if(!E(a)){b=0;for(d=a[u]-1;d>=0;d--)c=a.charCodeAt(d),b=(b<<6&268435455)+c+(c<<14),c=b&266338304,b=c!=0?b^c>>21:b}return b}
function va(){return k.round(k.random()*2147483647)}function wa(){}function F(a,b){return ba instanceof Function?b?encodeURI(a):ba(a):(G(68),escape(a))}function H(a){a=a[w]("+")[A](" ");if(ea instanceof Function)try{return ea(a)}catch(b){G(17)}else G(68);return unescape(a)}var xa=function(a,b,c,d){a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener(b,c,!!d):a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,c)},ya=function(a,b,c,d){a.removeEventListener?a.removeEventListener(b,c,!!d):a.detachEvent&&a.detachEvent("on"+b,c)};
function I(a){return a&&a[u]>0?a[0]:""}function za(a){var b=a?a[u]:0;return b>0?a[b-1]:""}var Aa=function(){this.prefix="ga.";this.I={}};Aa[v].set=function(a,b){this.I[this.prefix+a]=b};Aa[v].get=function(a){return this.I[this.prefix+a]};Aa[v].contains=function(a){return this.get(a)!==g};function Ba(a){a[p]("www.")==0&&(a=a[z](4));return a[C]()}function Ca(a,b){var c,d={url:a,protocol:"http",host:"",path:"",c:new Aa,anchor:""};if(!a)return d;c=a[p]("://");if(c>=0)d.protocol=a[z](0,c),a=a[z](c+3);c=a.search("/|\\?|#");if(c>=0)d.host=a[z](0,c)[C](),a=a[z](c);else return d.host=a[C](),d;c=a[p]("#");if(c>=0)d.anchor=a[z](c+1),a=a[z](0,c);c=a[p]("?");c>=0&&(Da(d.c,a[z](c+1)),a=a[z](0,c));d.anchor&&b&&Da(d.c,d.anchor);a&&a[n](0)=="/"&&(a=a[z](1));d.path=a;return d}
function Da(a,b){function c(b,c){a.contains(b)||a.set(b,[]);a.get(b)[m](c)}for(var d=ta(b)[w]("&"),e=0;e<d[u];e++)if(d[e]){var f=d[e][p]("=");f<0?c(d[e],"1"):c(d[e][z](0,f),d[e][z](f+1))}}function Ea(a,b){if(E(a))return"-";if("["==a[n](0)&&"]"==a[n](a[u]-1))return"-";var c=J.domain;c+=b&&b!="/"?b:"";return a[p](c)==(a[p]("http://")==0?7:a[p]("https://")==0?8:0)?"0":a};function Fa(a,b,c){k.random()*100>=1||(a=["utmt=error","utmerr="+a,"utmwv=5.2.2","utmn="+va(),"utmsp=1"],b&&a[m]("api="+b),c&&a[m]("msg="+F(c[z](0,100))),K.q&&a[m]("aip=1"),Ga(a[A]("&")))};var Ha=0;function L(a){return(a?"_":"")+Ha++}
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L(h),Ub=L(h),Vb=L(h),Wb=L(),Xb=L(),Yb=L();L();var Zb=L(),$b=L(),ac=L(),bc=L(),cc=L(),dc=L(),ec=L(),hc=L(),ic=L(),jc=L();L();var kc=L(),lc=L();var mc=function(){function a(a,c,d){R(S[v],a,c,d)}T("_getName",Ka,58);T("_getAccount",Ia,64);T("_visitCode",P,54);T("_getClientInfo",Ta,53,1);T("_getDetectTitle",Wa,56,1);T("_getDetectFlash",Ua,65,1);T("_getLocalGifPath",fb,57);T("_getServiceMode",gb,59);U("_setClientInfo",Ta,66,2);U("_setAccount",Ia,3);U("_setNamespace",Ja,48);U("_setAllowLinker",Qa,11,2);U("_setDetectFlash",Ua,61,2);U("_setDetectTitle",Wa,62,2);U("_setLocalGifPath",fb,46,0);U("_setLocalServerMode",gb,92,g,0);U("_setRemoteServerMode",
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c.apply(this,arguments)}catch(a){throw Fa("exc",b,a&&a[r]),a;}}},T=function(a,b,c,d){S[v][a]=function(){try{return G(c),sa(this.a.get(b),d)}catch(e){throw Fa("exc",a,e&&e[r]),e;}}},U=function(a,b,c,d,e){S[v][a]=function(f){try{G(c),e==g?this.a.set(b,sa(f,d)):this.a.set(b,e)}catch(l){throw Fa("exc",a,l&&l[r]),l;}}},nc=function(a,b){return{type:b,target:a,stopPropagation:function(){throw"aborted";}}};var oc=function(a,b){return b!=="/"?j:(a[p]("www.google.")==0||a[p](".google.")==0||a[p]("google.")==0)&&!(a[p]("google.org")>-1)?h:j},pc=function(a){var b=a.get(Ma),c=a[y](N,"/");oc(b,c)&&a[pa]()};var uc=function(){var a={},b={},c=new qc;this.g=function(a,b){c.add(a,b)};var d=new qc;this.d=function(a,b){d.add(a,b)};var e=j,f=j,l=h;this.J=function(){e=h};this.f=function(a){this[ja]();this.set(Wb,a,h);a=new rc(this);e=j;d.execute(this);e=h;b={};this.i();a.qa()};this.load=function(){e&&(e=j,this.sa(),sc(this),f||(f=h,c.execute(this),tc(this),sc(this)),e=h)};this.i=function(){if(e)if(f)e=j,tc(this),e=h;else this[ja]()};this.get=function(c){c&&c[n](0)=="_"&&this[ja]();return b[c]!==g?b[c]:a[c]};
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a.b(Jb,0)][A](".")},Ac=function(a,b,c){var c=c?"":a[y](M,"1"),d=b[w](".");if(d[u]!==4||wc(d[0],c))d=i;a.set(Ib,d?d[1]*1:0);a.set(Q,d?d[2]*1:10);a.set(Jb,d?d[3]*1:a.get(La));return d!=i||!wc(b,c)},Bc=function(a,b){var c=F(a[y](zb,"")),d=[],e=a.get(O);if(!b&&e){for(var f=0;f<e[u];f++){var l=e[f];l&&l[qa]==1&&d[m](f+"="+F(l[r])+"="+F(l[la])+"=1")}d[u]>0&&(c+="|"+d[A](","))}return c?a.b(M,1)+"."+c:i},Cc=function(a,b,c){c=c?"":a[y](M,"1");b=b[w](".");if(b[u]<2||wc(b[0],c))return j;b=b[ha](1)[A](".")[w]("|");
b[u]>0&&a.set(zb,H(b[0]));if(b[u]<=1)return h;for(var c=b[1][w](b[1][p](",")==-1?"^":","),d=0;d<c[u];d++){var e=c[d][w]("=");if(e[u]==4){var f={};ga(f,H(e[1]));f.value=H(e[2]);f.scope=1;a.get(O)[e[0]]=f}}b[1][p]("^")>=0&&G(125);return h},Ec=function(a,b){var c=Dc(a,b);return c?[a.b(M,1),a.b(Kb,0),a.b(Lb,1),a.b(Mb,1),c][A]("."):""},Dc=function(a){function b(b,e){if(!E(a.get(b))){var f=a[y](b,""),f=f[w](" ")[A]("%20"),f=f[w]("+")[A]("%20");c[m](e+"="+f)}}var c=[];b(Ob,"utmcid");b(Sb,"utmcsr");b(Qb,
"utmgclid");b(Rb,"utmdclid");b(Pb,"utmccn");b(Tb,"utmcmd");b(Ub,"utmctr");b(Vb,"utmcct");return c[A]("|")},Gc=function(a,b,c){c=c?"":a[y](M,"1");b=b[w](".");if(b[u]<5||wc(b[0],c))return a.set(Kb,g),a.set(Lb,g),a.set(Mb,g),a.set(Ob,g),a.set(Pb,g),a.set(Sb,g),a.set(Tb,g),a.set(Ub,g),a.set(Vb,g),a.set(Qb,g),a.set(Rb,g),j;a.set(Kb,b[1]*1);a.set(Lb,b[2]*1);a.set(Mb,b[3]*1);Fc(a,b[ha](4)[A]("."));return h},Fc=function(a,b){function c(a){return(a=b[ma](a+"=(.*?)(?:\\|utm|$)"))&&a[u]==2?a[1]:g}function d(b,
c){c&&(c=e?H(c):c[w]("%20")[A](" "),a.set(b,c))}b[p]("=")==-1&&(b=H(b));var e=c("utmcvr")=="2";d(Ob,c("utmcid"));d(Pb,c("utmccn"));d(Sb,c("utmcsr"));d(Tb,c("utmcmd"));d(Ub,c("utmctr"));d(Vb,c("utmcct"));d(Qb,c("utmgclid"));d(Rb,c("utmdclid"))},wc=function(a,b){return b?a!=b:!/^\d+$/.test(a)};var qc=function(){this.s=[]};qc[v].add=function(a,b){this.s[m]({name:a,Da:b})};qc[v].execute=function(a){try{for(var b=0;b<this.s[u];b++)this.s[b].Da.call(V,a)}catch(c){}};function Hc(a){a.get(eb)!=100&&a.get(P)%1E4>=a.get(eb)*100&&a[pa]()}function Ic(a){Jc()&&a[pa]()}function Kc(a){J[x].protocol=="file:"&&a[pa]()}function Lc(a){a.get(pb)||a.set(pb,J.title,h);a.get(ob)||a.set(ob,J[x].pathname+J[x].search,h)};var Mc=new function(){var a=[];this.set=function(b){a[b]=h};this.Ea=function(){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a[u];c++)a[c]&&(b[k[ka](c/6)]^=1<<c%6);for(c=0;c<b[u];c++)b[c]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"[n](b[c]||0);return b[A]("")+"~"}};function G(a){Mc.set(a)};var V=window,J=document,Jc=function(){var a=V._gaUserPrefs;return a&&a.ioo&&a.ioo()},Nc=function(a,b){da(a,b)},W=function(a){for(var b=[],c=J.cookie[w](";"),a=RegExp("^\\s*"+a+"=\\s*(.*?)\\s*$"),d=0;d<c[u];d++){var e=c[d][ma](a);e&&b[m](e[1])}return b},X=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f;f=Jc()?j:oc(d,c)?j:h;if(f){if(b&&V[ra].userAgent[p]("Firefox")>=0){b=b[ia](/\n|\r/g," ");f=0;for(var l=b[u];f<l;++f){var o=b.charCodeAt(f)&255;if(o==10||o==13)b=b[z](0,f)+"?"+b[z](f+1)}}b&&b[u]>2E3&&(b=b[z](0,2E3),G(69));
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Wc[n](Ab),gc=B[fc],Xc+=g!=gc?gc:fc;f+=Xc;c[m](f)}b+=o+c[A](s)+q;c=j}else c=h;return b}var e=this,f=[],l=["k","v"],o="(",q=")",s="*",na="!",B={"'":"'0"};B[q]="'1";B[s]="'2";B[na]="'3";var aa=1;e.va=function(a){return g!=f[a]};e.o=function(){for(var a="",b=0;b<f[u];b++)g!=f[b]&&(a+=b[t]()+d(f[b]));return a};e.ua=function(a){if(a==g)return e.o();for(var b=a.o(),c=0;c<f[u];c++)g!=f[c]&&!a.va(c)&&(b+=c[t]()+d(f[c]));return b};e.e=function(b,c,d){if(!Uc(d))return j;a(b,"k",c,d);return h};e.k=function(b,
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Cc(a,vc(b,W("__utmv")));bd=!c;return h},dd=function(a){!bd&&!(W("__utmb")[u]>0)&&(X("__utmd","1",a[y](N,"/"),a[y](Ma,""),1E4),W("__utmd")[u]==0&&a[pa]())};var gd=function(a){a.get(P)==g?ed(a):a.get(Bb)&&!a.get(kc)?ed(a):a.get(Hb)&&fd(a)},hd=function(a){a.get(Nb)&&!a.get(Gb)&&(fd(a),a.set(Lb,a.get(Fb)))},ed=function(a){var b=a.get(La);a.set(yb,h);a.set(P,va()^Rc(a)&2147483647);a.set(zb,"");a.set(Cb,b);a.set(Db,b);a.set(Eb,b);a.set(Fb,1);a.set(Gb,h);a.set(Ib,0);a.set(Q,10);a.set(Jb,b);a.set(O,[]);a.set(Bb,j);a.set(Hb,j)},fd=function(a){a.set(Db,a.get(Eb));a.set(Eb,a.get(La));a.n(Fb);a.set(Gb,h);a.set(Ib,0);a.set(Q,10);a.set(Jb,a.get(La));a.set(Hb,j)};var id="daum:q,eniro:search_word,naver:query,pchome:q,images.google:q,google:q,yahoo:p,yahoo:q,msn:q,bing:q,aol:query,aol:q,lycos:query,ask:q,netscape:query,cnn:query,about:terms,mamma:q,voila:rdata,virgilio:qs,live:q,baidu:wd,alice:qs,yandex:text,najdi:q,seznam:q,search:q,wp:szukaj,onet:qt,szukacz:q,yam:k,kvasir:q,ozu:q,terra:query,rambler:query".split(","),od=function(a){if(a.get(Va)&&!a.get(kc)){for(var b=!E(a.get(Ob))||!E(a.get(Sb))||!E(a.get(Qb))||!E(a.get(Rb)),c={},d=0;d<jd[u];d++){var e=jd[d];
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b,c,d,e,f,l,o,q){a.set(Ob,b);a.set(Sb,c);a.set(Qb,d);a.set(Rb,e);a.set(Pb,f);a.set(Tb,l);a.set(Ub,o);a.set(Vb,q)},jd=[Pb,Ob,Qb,Rb,Sb,Tb,Ub,Vb],nd=function(a,b){function c(a){a=(""+a)[w]("+")[A]("%20");return a=a[w](" ")[A]("%20")}function d(c){var d=""+(a.get(c)||""),c=""+(b[c]||"");return d[u]>0&&d==c}if(d(Qb)||d(Rb))return G(131),j;for(var e=0;e<jd[u];e++){var f=jd[e],l=b[f]||"-",f=a.get(f)||"-";if(c(l)!=c(f))return h}return j};var rd=function(a){qd(a,J[x].href)?(a.set(kc,h),G(12)):a.set(kc,j)},qd=function(a,b){if(!a.get(Qa))return j;var c=Ca(b,a.get(Ra)),d=I(c.c.get("__utma")),e=I(c.c.get("__utmb")),f=I(c.c.get("__utmc")),l=I(c.c.get("__utmx")),o=I(c.c.get("__utmz")),q=I(c.c.get("__utmv")),c=I(c.c.get("__utmk"));if(ua(""+d+e+f+l+o+q)!=c){d=H(d);e=H(e);f=H(f);l=H(l);a:{for(var f=d+e+f+l,s=0;s<3;s++){for(var na=0;na<3;na++){if(c==ua(f+o+q)){G(127);c=[o,q];break a}var B=o[ia](/ /g,"%20"),aa=q[ia](/ /g,"%20");if(c==ua(f+B+
aa)){G(128);c=[B,aa];break a}B=B[ia](/\+/g,"%20");aa=aa[ia](/\+/g,"%20");if(c==ua(f+B+aa)){G(129);c=[B,aa];break a}o=H(o)}q=H(q)}c=g}if(!c)return j;o=c[0];q=c[1]}if(!xc(a,d,h))return j;Ac(a,e,h);Gc(a,o,h);Cc(a,q,h);sd(a,l,h);return h},ud=function(a,b,c){var d;d=yc(a)||"-";var e=zc(a)||"-",f=""+a.b(M,1)||"-",l=td(a)||"-",o=Ec(a,j)||"-",a=Bc(a,j)||"-",q=ua(""+d+e+f+l+o+a),s=[];s[m]("__utma="+d);s[m]("__utmb="+e);s[m]("__utmc="+f);s[m]("__utmx="+l);s[m]("__utmz="+o);s[m]("__utmv="+a);s[m]("__utmk="+
q);d=s[A]("&");if(!d)return b;e=b[p]("#");return c?e<0?b+"#"+d:b+"&"+d:(c="",f=b[p]("?"),e>0&&(c=b[z](e),b=b[z](0,e)),f<0?b+"?"+d+c:b+"&"+d+c)};var vd="|",xd=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,l,o,q){var s=wd(a,b);s||(s={},a.get(lb)[m](s));s.id_=b;s.affiliation_=c;s.total_=d;s.tax_=e;s.shipping_=f;s.city_=l;s.state_=o;s.country_=q;s.items_=s.items_||[];return s},yd=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,l){var a=wd(a,b)||xd(a,b,"",0,0,0,"","",""),o;a:{if(a&&a.items_){o=a.items_;for(var q=0;q<o[u];q++)if(o[q].sku_==c){o=o[q];break a}}o=i}q=o||{};q.transId_=b;q.sku_=c;q.name_=d;q.category_=e;q.price_=f;q.quantity_=l;o||a.items_[m](q);return q},wd=function(a,b){for(var c=
a.get(lb),d=0;d<c[u];d++)if(c[d].id_==b)return c[d];return i};var zd,Ad=function(a){var f;var e;if(!zd){var b;b=J[x].hash;var c=V[r],d=/^#?gaso=([^&]*)/;if(f=(e=(b=b&&b[ma](d)||c&&c[ma](d))?b[1]:I(W("GASO")),b=e)&&b[ma](/^(?:\|([-0-9a-z.]{1,40})\|)?([-.\w]{10,1200})$/i),c=f)if(cd(a,"GASO",""+b),K._gasoDomain=a.get(Ma),K._gasoCPath=a.get(N),b="https://"+((c[1]||"www")+".google.com")+"/analytics/reporting/overlay_js?gaso="+c[2]+"&"+va())a=J.createElement("script"),a.type="text/javascript",a.async=h,a.src=b,a.id="_gasojs",fa(a,g),b=J.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],
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"="+b+";")}var d=[];c("__utma",yc(a));c("__utmz",Ec(a,j));c("__utmv",Bc(a,h));c("__utmx",td(a));b.add("utmcc",d[A]("+"),h)},Od=function(a,b){a.get(Ta)&&(b.add("utmcs",a.get(xb),h),b.add("utmsr",a.get(sb)),b.add("utmsc",a.get(tb)),b.add("utmul",a.get(wb)),b.add("utmje",a.get(ub)),b.add("utmfl",a.get(vb),h))},Pd=function(a,b){a.get(Wa)&&a.get(pb)&&b.add("utmdt",a.get(pb),h);b.add("utmhid",a.get(rb));b.add("utmr",Ea(a.get(qb),a.get(N)),h);b.add("utmp",F(a.get(ob),h),h)},Qd=function(a,b){for(var c=a.get(mb),
d=a.get(nb),e=a.get(O)||[],f=0;f<e[u];f++){var l=e[f];l&&(c||(c=new Yc),c.e(8,f,l[r]),c.e(9,f,l[la]),l[qa]!=3&&c.e(11,f,""+l[qa]))}!E(a.get($b))&&!E(a.get(ac),h)&&(c||(c=new Yc),c.e(5,1,a.get($b)),c.e(5,2,a.get(ac)),e=a.get(bc),e!=g&&c.e(5,3,e),e=a.get(cc),e!=g&&c.k(5,1,e));c?b.add("utme",c.ua(d),h):d&&b.add("utme",d.o(),h)},Rd=function(a,b,c){var d=new Jd;Kd(a,c);Ld(a,d);d.add("utmt","tran");d.add("utmtid",b.id_,h);d.add("utmtst",b.affiliation_,h);d.add("utmtto",b.total_,h);d.add("utmttx",b.tax_,
h);d.add("utmtsp",b.shipping_,h);d.add("utmtci",b.city_,h);d.add("utmtrg",b.state_,h);d.add("utmtco",b.country_,h);!c&&Nd(a,d);return d[t]()},Sd=function(a,b,c){var d=new Jd;Kd(a,c);Ld(a,d);d.add("utmt","item");d.add("utmtid",b.transId_,h);d.add("utmipc",b.sku_,h);d.add("utmipn",b.name_,h);d.add("utmiva",b.category_,h);d.add("utmipr",b.price_,h);d.add("utmiqt",b.quantity_,h);!c&&Nd(a,d);return d[t]()},Td=function(a,b){var c=a.get(Wb);if(c=="page")c=new Jd,Kd(a,b),Ld(a,c),Qd(a,c),Od(a,c),Pd(a,c),b||
Nd(a,c),c=[c[t]()];else if(c=="event")c=new Jd,Kd(a,b),Ld(a,c),c.add("utmt","event"),Qd(a,c),Od(a,c),Pd(a,c),!b&&Nd(a,c),c=[c[t]()];else if(c=="var")c=new Jd,Kd(a,b),Ld(a,c),c.add("utmt","var"),!b&&Nd(a,c),c=[c[t]()];else if(c=="trans")for(var c=[],d=a.get(lb),e=0;e<d[u];++e){c[m](Rd(a,d[e],b));for(var f=d[e].items_,l=0;l<f[u];++l)c[m](Sd(a,f[l],b))}else c=="social"?b?c=[]:(c=new Jd,Kd(a,b),Ld(a,c),c.add("utmt","social"),c.add("utmsn",a.get(dc),h),c.add("utmsa",a.get(ec),h),c.add("utmsid",a.get(hc),
h),Qd(a,c),Od(a,c),Pd(a,c),Nd(a,c),c=[c[t]()]):c=[];return c},Hd=function(a){var b,c=a.get(gb),d=a.get(Yb),e=d&&d.Aa,f=0;if(c==0||c==2){var l=a.get(fb)+"?";b=Td(a,h);for(var o=0,q=b[u];o<q;o++)Ga(b[o],e,l,h),f++}if(c==1||c==2){b=Td(a);o=0;for(q=b[u];o<q;o++)try{Ga(b[o],e),f++}catch(s){s&&Fa(s[r],g,s.message)}}if(d)d.j=f};var Ud="https:"==J[x].protocol?"https://ssl.google-analytics.com":"http://www.google-analytics.com",Vd=function(a){ga(this,"len");this.message=a+"-8192"},Wd=function(a){ga(this,"ff2post");this.message=a+"-2036"},Ga=function(a,b,c,d){b=b||wa;if(d||a[u]<=2036)Xd(a,b,c);else if(a[u]<=8192){if(V[ra].userAgent[p]("Firefox")>=0&&![].reduce)throw new Wd(a[u]);Yd(a,b)||Zd(a,b)}else throw new Vd(a[u]);},Xd=function(a,b,c){var c=c||Ud+"/__utm.gif?",d=new Image(1,1);d.src=c+a;fa(d,function(){fa(d,i);d.onerror=
i;b()});d.onerror=function(){fa(d,i);d.onerror=i;b()}},Yd=function(a,b){var c,d=Ud+"/p/__utm.gif",e=V.XDomainRequest;if(e)c=new e,c.open("POST",d);else if(e=V.XMLHttpRequest)e=new e,"withCredentials"in e&&(c=e,c.open("POST",d,h),c.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/plain"));if(c)return c.onreadystatechange=function(){c.readyState==4&&(b(),c=i)},c.send(a),h},Zd=function(a,b){if(J.body){a=ba(a);try{var c=J.createElement('<iframe name="'+a+'"></iframe>')}catch(d){c=J.createElement("iframe"),ga(c,
a)}c.height="0";c.width="0";c.style.display="none";c.style.visibility="hidden";var e=J[x],e=Ud+"/u/post_iframe.html#"+ba(e.protocol+"//"+e[oa]+"/favicon.ico"),f=function(){c.src="";c.parentNode&&c.parentNode.removeChild(c)};xa(V,"beforeunload",f);var l=j,o=0,q=function(){if(!l){try{if(o>9||c.contentWindow[x][oa]==J[x][oa]){l=h;f();ya(V,"beforeunload",f);b();return}}catch(a){}o++;da(q,200)}};xa(c,"load",q);J.body.appendChild(c);c.src=e}else Nc(function(){Zd(a,b)},100)};var Z=function(){this.q=j;this.D={};this.F=[];this.wa=0;this._gasoCPath=this._gasoDomain=g;R(Z[v],"_createTracker",Z[v].l,55);R(Z[v],"_getTracker",Z[v].ya,0);R(Z[v],"_getTrackerByName",Z[v].p,51);R(Z[v],"_getTrackers",Z[v].za,130);R(Z[v],"_anonymizeIp",Z[v].xa,16);mc()};D=Z[v];D.ya=function(a,b){return this.l(a,g,b)};D.l=function(a,b,c){b&&G(23);c&&G(67);b==g&&(b="~"+K.wa++);a=new S(b,a,c);K.D[b]=a;K.F[m](a);return a};D.p=function(a){a=a||"";return K.D[a]||K.l(g,a)};D.za=function(){return K.F[ha](0)};
D.xa=function(){this.q=h};var $d=function(a){if(J.webkitVisibilityState=="prerender")return j;a();return h};var K=new Z;var ae=V._gat;ae&&typeof ae._getTracker=="function"?K=ae:V._gat=K;var Tc=new Y;(function(a){if(!$d(a)){G(123);var b=j,c=function(){!b&&$d(a)&&(G(124),b=h,ya(J,"webkitvisibilitychange",c))};xa(J,"webkitvisibilitychange",c)}})(function(){var a=V._gaq,b=j;if(a&&typeof a[m]=="function"&&(b=Object[v][t].call(Object(a))=="[object Array]",!b)){Tc=a;return}V._gaq=Tc;b&&Tc[m].apply(Tc,a)});})();


[JavaScript] Google Analytics Urchin Module ソースコードを読んでみる

今はもう使われていない Google Analytics Urchin Module ソースコードをアクセス解析のお勉強ついでに読んでみました。


404 Blog Not Found:Google AnalyticsのAnalysis、そして滞在時間のウソ はてなブックマーク - 404 Blog Not Found:Google AnalyticsのAnalysis、そして滞在時間のウソ

urchin.js と今動いている非同期 JavaScript の違いが書かれている公式記事。

urchin.js と非同期 JavaScript の違い – ウェブサイト オプティマイザー ヘルプ はてなブックマーク - urchin.js と非同期 JavaScript の違い - ウェブサイト オプティマイザー ヘルプ

■ ソースコード:http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js はてなブックマーク -

//-- Google Analytics Urchin Module
//-- Copyright 2007 Google, All Rights Reserved.
//-- Urchin On Demand Settings ONLY
var _uacct="";			// set up the Urchin Account
var _userv=1;			// service mode (0=local,1=remote,2=both)
//-- UTM User Settings
var _ufsc=1;			// set client info flag (1=on|0=off)
var _udn="auto";		// (auto|none|domain) set the domain name for cookies
var _uhash="on";		// (on|off) unique domain hash for cookies
var _utimeout="1800";   	// set the inactive session timeout in seconds
var _ugifpath="/__utm.gif";	// set the web path to the __utm.gif file
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var _uflash=1;			// set flash version detect option (1=on|0=off)
var _utitle=1;			// set the document title detect option (1=on|0=off)
var _ulink=0;			// enable linker functionality (1=on|0=off)
var _uanchor=0;			// enable use of anchors for campaign (1=on|0=off)
var _utcp="/";			// the cookie path for tracking
var _usample=100;		// The sampling % of visitors to track (1-100).
//-- UTM Campaign Tracking Settings
var _uctm=1;			// set campaign tracking module (1=on|0=off)
var _ucto="15768000";		// set timeout in seconds (6 month default)
var _uccn="utm_campaign";	// name
var _ucmd="utm_medium";		// medium (cpc|cpm|link|email|organic)
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//-- Auto/Organic Sources and Keywords
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var _uOkw=new Array();
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_uOsr[33]="pchome";	_uOkw[33]="q";
_uOsr[34]="kvasir";	_uOkw[34]="searchExpr";
_uOsr[35]="sesam";	_uOkw[35]="q";
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_uOsr[38]="nostrum"; _uOkw[38]="query";
_uOsr[39]="mynet"; _uOkw[39]="q";
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_uOsr[41]="search.ilse"; _uOkw[41]="search_for";
_uOsr[42]="bing"; _uOkw[42]="q";
//-- Auto/Organic Keywords to Ignore
var _uOno=new Array();
//-- Referral domains to Ignore
var _uRno=new Array();
//-- **** Don't modify below this point ***
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function urchinTracker(page) {
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function _uVoid() { return; }
function _uCInfo() {
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 if ((i=_ur.indexOf("://"))<0 || _uGCse()) return "";
 if (h.indexOf("/") > -1) {
  if (k.indexOf("?") > -1) k=k.substring(0,k.indexOf("?"));
 if ((i=n.indexOf(":")) > -1) n=n.substring(0,i);
 for (var ii=0;ii<_uRno.length;ii++) {
  if ((i=n.indexOf(_uRno[ii].toLowerCase())) > -1 && n.length==(i+_uRno[ii].length)) { _ufno=1; break; }
 if (h.indexOf("www.")==0) h=h.substring(4,h.length);
 return "utmccn=(referral)|utmcsr="+_uEC(h)+"|"+"utmcct="+_uEC(k)+"|utmcmd=referral";
function _uOrg(t) {
 if (_ur=="0" || _ur=="" || _ur=="-") return "";
 var i=0,h,k;
 if ((i=_ur.indexOf("://"))<0 || _uGCse()) return "";
 if (h.indexOf("/") > -1) {
 for (var ii=0;ii<_uOsr.length;ii++) {
  if (h.toLowerCase().indexOf(_uOsr[ii].toLowerCase()) > -1) {
   if ((i=_ur.indexOf("?"+_uOkw[ii]+"=")) > -1 || (i=_ur.indexOf("&"+_uOkw[ii]+"=")) > -1) {
    if ((i=k.indexOf("&")) > -1) k=k.substring(0,i);
    for (var yy=0;yy<_uOno.length;yy++) {
     if (_uOno[yy].toLowerCase()==k.toLowerCase()) { _ufno=1; break; }
    if (t) return _uEC(k);
    else return "utmccn=(organic)|utmcsr="+_uEC(_uOsr[ii])+"|"+"utmctr="+_uEC(k)+"|utmcmd=organic";
 return "";
function _uGCse() {
 var h,p;
 if(h.indexOf("/")>-1) {
 if(p.indexOf("?")>-1) {
 if(h.toLowerCase().indexOf("google")>-1) {
  if(_ur.indexOf("?q=")>-1 || _ur.indexOf("&q=")>-1) {
   if (p.toLowerCase().indexOf("cse")>-1) {
    return true;
function _uBInfo() {
 var sr="-",sc="-",ul="-",fl="-",cs="-",je=1;
 var n=navigator;
 if (self.screen) {
 } else if (self.java) {
  var j=java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
  var s=j.getScreenSize();
 if (n.language) { ul=n.language.toLowerCase(); }
 else if (n.browserLanguage) { ul=n.browserLanguage.toLowerCase(); }
 if (_uflash) fl=_uFlash();
 if (_ubd.characterSet) cs=_uES(_ubd.characterSet);
 else if (_ubd.charset) cs=_uES(_ubd.charset);
 return "&utmcs="+cs+"&utmsr="+sr+"&utmsc="+sc+"&utmul="+ul+"&utmje="+je+"&utmfl="+fl;
function __utmSetTrans() {
 var e;
 if (_ubd.getElementById) e=_ubd.getElementById("utmtrans");
 else if (_ubd.utmform && _ubd.utmform.utmtrans) e=_ubd.utmform.utmtrans;
 if (!e) return;
 var l=e.value.split("UTM:");
 var i,i2,c;
 if (_userv==0 || _userv==2) i=new Array();
 if (_userv==1 || _userv==2) { i2=new Array(); c=_uGCS(); }
 for (var ii=0;ii<l.length;ii++) {
  if (l[ii].charAt(0)!='T' && l[ii].charAt(0)!='I') continue;
  var r=Math.round(Math.random()*2147483647);
  if (!_utsp || _utsp=="") _utsp="|";
  var f=l[ii].split(_utsp),s="";
  if (f[0].charAt(0)=='T') {
   f[1]=_uTrim(f[1]); if(f[1]&&f[1]!="") s+="&utmtid="+_uES(f[1]);
   f[2]=_uTrim(f[2]); if(f[2]&&f[2]!="") s+="&utmtst="+_uES(f[2]);
   f[3]=_uTrim(f[3]); if(f[3]&&f[3]!="") s+="&utmtto="+_uES(f[3]);
   f[4]=_uTrim(f[4]); if(f[4]&&f[4]!="") s+="&utmttx="+_uES(f[4]);
   f[5]=_uTrim(f[5]); if(f[5]&&f[5]!="") s+="&utmtsp="+_uES(f[5]);
   f[6]=_uTrim(f[6]); if(f[6]&&f[6]!="") s+="&utmtci="+_uES(f[6]);
   f[7]=_uTrim(f[7]); if(f[7]&&f[7]!="") s+="&utmtrg="+_uES(f[7]);
   f[8]=_uTrim(f[8]); if(f[8]&&f[8]!="") s+="&utmtco="+_uES(f[8]);
  } else {
   f[1]=_uTrim(f[1]); if(f[1]&&f[1]!="") s+="&utmtid="+_uES(f[1]);
   f[2]=_uTrim(f[2]); if(f[2]&&f[2]!="") s+="&utmipc="+_uES(f[2]);
   f[3]=_uTrim(f[3]); if(f[3]&&f[3]!="") s+="&utmipn="+_uES(f[3]);
   f[4]=_uTrim(f[4]); if(f[4]&&f[4]!="") s+="&utmiva="+_uES(f[4]);
   f[5]=_uTrim(f[5]); if(f[5]&&f[5]!="") s+="&utmipr="+_uES(f[5]);
   f[6]=_uTrim(f[6]); if(f[6]&&f[6]!="") s+="&utmiqt="+_uES(f[6]);
  if (_udl.hostname && _udl.hostname!="") s+="&utmhn="+_uES(_udl.hostname);
  if (_usample && _usample != 100) s+="&utmsp="+_uES(_usample);
  if ((_userv==0 || _userv==2) && _uSP()) {
   i[ii]=new Image(1,1);
   i[ii].onload=function() { _uVoid(); }
  if ((_userv==1 || _userv==2) && _uSP()) {
   i2[ii]=new Image(1,1);
   i2[ii].onload=function() { _uVoid(); }
function _uFlash() {
 var f="-",n=navigator;
 if (n.plugins && n.plugins.length) {
  for (var ii=0;ii<n.plugins.length;ii++) {
   if (n.plugins[ii].name.indexOf('Shockwave Flash')!=-1) {
    f=n.plugins[ii].description.split('Shockwave Flash ')[1];
 } else {
  var fl;
  try {
   fl = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
   f = fl.GetVariable("$version");
  } catch(e) {}
  if (f == "-") {
   try {
    fl = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
    f = "WIN 6,0,21,0";
    fl.AllowScriptAccess = "always";
    f = fl.GetVariable("$version");
   } catch(e) {}
  if (f == "-") {
   try {
    fl = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
    f = fl.GetVariable("$version");
   } catch(e) {}
  if (f != "-") {
   f = f.split(" ")[1].split(",");
   f = f[0] + "." + f[1] + " r" + f[2];
 return f;
function __utmLinkerUrl(l,h) {
 var p,k,a="-",b="-",c="-",x="-",z="-",v="-";
 var dc=_ubd.cookie;
 var iq = l.indexOf("?");
 var ih = l.indexOf("#");
 var url=l;
 if (dc) {
 if (p) {
  if (h && ih>-1) return;
  if (h) { url=l+"#"+p; }
  else {
   if (iq==-1 && ih==-1) url=l+"?"+p;
   else if (ih==-1) url=l+"&"+p;
   else if (iq==-1) url=l.substring(0,ih-1)+"?"+p+l.substring(ih);
   else url=l.substring(0,ih-1)+"&"+p+l.substring(ih);
 return url;
function __utmLinker(l,h) {
 if (!_ulink || !l || l=="") return;
function __utmLinkPost(f,h) {
 if (!_ulink || !f || !f.action) return;
 f.action=__utmLinkerUrl(f.action, h);
function __utmSetVar(v) {
 if (!v || v=="") return;
 if (!_udo || _udo == "") {
  if (_udn && _udn!="") { _udo=" domain="+_udn+";"; }
 if (!_uVG()) return;
 var r=Math.round(Math.random() * 2147483647);
 _ubd.cookie="__utmv="+_udh+"."+_uES(v)+"; path="+_utcp+"; expires="+_uNx()+";"+_udo;
 var s="&utmt=var&utmn="+r;
 if (_usample && _usample != 100) s+="&utmsp="+_uES(_usample);
 if ((_userv==0 || _userv==2) && _uSP()) {
  var i=new Image(1,1);
  i.onload=function() { _uVoid(); }
 if ((_userv==1 || _userv==2) && _uSP()) {
  var i2=new Image(1,1);
  i2.onload=function() { _uVoid(); }
function _uGCS() {
 var t,c="",dc=_ubd.cookie;
 if ((t=_uGC(dc,"__utma="+_udh+".",";"))!="-") c+=_uES("__utma="+t+";+");
 if ((t=_uGC(dc,"__utmx="+_udh,";"))!="-") c+=_uES("__utmx="+t+";+");
 if ((t=_uGC(dc,"__utmz="+_udh+".",";"))!="-") c+=_uES("__utmz="+t+";+");
 if ((t=_uGC(dc,"__utmv="+_udh+".",";"))!="-") c+=_uES("__utmv="+t+";");
 if (c.charAt(c.length-1)=="+") c=c.substring(0,c.length-1);
 return c;
function _uGC(l,n,s) {
 if (!l || l=="" || !n || n=="" || !s || s=="") return "-";
 var i,i2,i3,c="-";
 if (i > -1) {
  i2=l.indexOf(s,i); if (i2 < 0) { i2=l.length; }
 return c;
function _uDomain() {
 if (!_udn || _udn=="" || _udn=="none") { _udn=""; return 1; }
 if (_udn=="auto") {
  var d=_ubd.domain;
  if (d.substring(0,4)=="www.") {
 _udn = _udn.toLowerCase(); 
 if (_uhash=="off") return 1;
 return _uHash(_udn);
function _uHash(d) {
 if (!d || d=="") return 1;
 var h=0,g=0;
 for (var i=d.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
  var c=parseInt(d.charCodeAt(i));
  h=((h << 6) & 0xfffffff) + c + (c << 14);
  if ((g=h & 0xfe00000)!=0) h=(h ^ (g >> 21));
 return h;
function _uFixA(c,s,t) {
 if (!c || c=="" || !s || s=="" || !t || t=="") return "-";
 var a=_uGC(c,"__utma="+_udh+".",s);
 var lt=0,i=0;
 if ((i=a.lastIndexOf(".")) > 9) {
  if ((i=a.lastIndexOf(".")) > 7) {
  if ((i=a.lastIndexOf(".")) > 5) {
 return a;
function _uTrim(s) {
  if (!s || s=="") return "";
  while ((s.charAt(0)==' ') || (s.charAt(0)=='\n') || (s.charAt(0,1)=='\r')) s=s.substring(1,s.length);
  while ((s.charAt(s.length-1)==' ') || (s.charAt(s.length-1)=='\n') || (s.charAt(s.length-1)=='\r')) s=s.substring(0,s.length-1);
  return s;
function _uEC(s) {
  var n="";
  if (!s || s=="") return "";
  for (var i=0;i<s.length;i++) {if (s.charAt(i)==" ") n+="+"; else n+=s.charAt(i);}
  return n;
function __utmVisitorCode(f) {
 var r=0,t=0,i=0,i2=0,m=31;
 var a=_uGC(_ubd.cookie,"__utma="+_udh+".",";");
 if ((i=a.indexOf(".",0))<0) return;
 if ((i2=a.indexOf(".",i+1))>0) r=a.substring(i+1,i2); else return "";  
 if ((i=a.indexOf(".",i2+1))>0) t=a.substring(i2+1,i); else return "";  
 if (f) {
  return r;
 } else {
  var c=new Array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','J','K','L','M','N','P','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');
  return c[r>>28&m]+c[r>>23&m]+c[r>>18&m]+c[r>>13&m]+"-"+c[r>>8&m]+c[r>>3&m]+c[((r&7)<<2)+(t>>30&3)]+c[t>>25&m]+c[t>>20&m]+"-"+c[t>>15&m]+c[t>>10&m]+c[t>>5&m]+c[t&m];
function _uIN(n) {
 if (!n) return false;
 for (var i=0;i<n.length;i++) {
  var c=n.charAt(i);
  if ((c<"0" || c>"9") && (c!=".")) return false;
 return true;
function _uES(s,u) {
 if (typeof(encodeURIComponent) == 'function') {
  if (u) return encodeURI(s);
  else return encodeURIComponent(s);
 } else {
  return escape(s);
function _uUES(s) {
 if (typeof(decodeURIComponent) == 'function') {
  return decodeURIComponent(s);
 } else {
  return unescape(s);
function _uVG() {
 if((_udn.indexOf("www.google.") == 0 || _udn.indexOf(".google.") == 0 || _udn.indexOf("google.") == 0) && _utcp=='/' && _udn.indexOf("google.org")==-1) {
  return false;
 return true;
function _uSP() {
 var s=100;
 if (_usample) s=_usample;
 if(s>=100 || s<=0) return true;
 return ((__utmVisitorCode(1)%10000)<(s*100));
function urchinPathCopy(p){
 var d=document,nx,tx,sx,i,c,cs,t,h,o;
 cs=new Array("a","b","c","v","x","z");
 h=_uDomain(); if (_udn && _udn!="") o=" domain="+_udn+";";
 tx=new Date(); tx.setTime(tx.getTime()+(_utimeout*1000));
 sx=new Date(); sx.setTime(sx.getTime()+(_ucto*1000));
 for (i=0;i<6;i++){
  t=" expires=";
  if (i==1) t+=tx; else if (i==2) t=""; else if (i==5) t+=sx; else t+=nx;
  if (c!="-") d.cookie="__utm"+cs[i]+"="+c+"; path="+p+";"+t+o;
function _uCO() {
 if (!_utk || _utk=="" || _utk.length<10) return;
 var d='www.google.com';
 if (_utk.charAt(0)=='!') d='analytics.corp.google.com';
 _ubd.cookie="GASO="+_utk+"; path="+_utcp+";"+_udo;
 var sc=document.createElement('script');
function _uGT() {
 var h=location.hash, a;
 if (h && h!="" && h.indexOf("#gaso=")==0) {
 } else {
 return a;
var _utk=_uGT();
if (_utk && _utk!="" && _utk.length>10 && _utk.indexOf("=")==-1) {
 if (window.addEventListener) {
  window.addEventListener('load', _uCO, false); 
 } else if (window.attachEvent) { 
  window.attachEvent('onload', _uCO);
function _uNx() {
  return (new Date((new Date()).getTime()+63072000000)).toGMTString();

ちなみに、現在(2012年1月8日)の Google Analytics のコード下記のリンクのもので、圧縮されているので復元すれば読まます。



JsDecoder – javascript decoder – decode obfuscated script はてなブックマーク - JsDecoder - javascript decoder - decode obfuscated script


[Ruby on Rails] ERB 内で URLエンコード(url_encode)

Ruby on Rails の ERB 内にて、URL エンコードする方法をご紹介します。

URL エンコード

ERB で URL エンコードするには ERB::Util.url_encode メソッドを利用します。

<%= "http://search.example.com/?q=" + url_encode(" 日本語") %>
#=> http://search.example.com/?q=%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E


<%= "http://search.example.com/?q=" + u(" 日本語") %>
#=> http://search.example.com/?q=%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E



Module: ERB::Util はてなブックマーク - Module: ERB::Util

Ruby on RailsでURLエンコード・デコードする はてなブックマーク - Ruby on RailsでURLエンコード・デコードする

RailsでURIエンコードする方法 – OneRingToFind はてなブックマーク - RailsでURIエンコードする方法 - OneRingToFind

[iTerm] ウィンドウの背景を透過にする設定方法

MacOS 用ターミナルアプリ iTerm のウィンドウの背景を透過にする設定方法をご紹介します。

透過度はメニューから iTerm → Preferences を選択して Preferences ウィンドウを開き、

Profiles → Window → Window Appearance → Transparency のバーを移動させて調整します。

以上、iTerm のウィンドウ背景を透過にしたい、現場からお送りしました。

[技術用語] TCP 3ウェイ・ハンドシェイク時の SYN, ACK の正式名称

TCP 3ウェイ・ハンドシェイク時の SYN, ACK の正式名称を調べたのでメモ。

TCP の 3ウェイハンドシェイク (3way handshake) の SYN や ACK の略称ではない名前。

SYN: synchronize (同期信号?)
ACK: acknowledge (肯定応答)


■ 3ウェイハンドシェイクによる接続の流れ

クライアントが SYN をサーバに送信する。
サーバは SYN + ACK をクライアントに返信する。
クライアントは ACK をサーバに送信する。これで TCP 接続が成立する。

・引用元:TCP 3ウェイハンドシェイク時の SYN ACK の正式名称 はてなブックマーク - TCP 3ウェイハンドシェイク時の SYN ACK の正式名称


3ウェイ・ハンドシェイク – Wikipedia はてなブックマーク - 3ウェイ・ハンドシェイク - Wikipedia

[Facebook] Comments Box Plugin のコメント表示順は時系列ではなく「Social Relevance」順

Facebookのコメントボックスプラグインの表示順は時系列ではなく「Social Relevance」順になるみたいです。

Social Relevance: Comments Box uses social signals to surface the highest quality comments for each user. Comments are ordered to show users the most relevant comments from friends, friends of friends, and the most liked or active discussion threads, while comments marked as spam are hidden from view.

・公式:Comments – Facebook Developers はてなブックマーク - Comments - Facebook Developers


Social Relevance: Comments Boxは、それぞれのユーザに対して最も精度の高いコメントを表示するために、社会的信号(social signal)を用います。コメントは、友達からのもの、友達の友達からのもの、いちばんlikeされているもの、一番議論になっているもの、という具合にユーザにとって有益と思われる順番に並びます。その一方、スパムと判定されたものは隠されます。

・引用元:Comments : Facebook開発者向けドキュメントの日本語訳とTips はてなブックマーク - Comments : Facebook開発者向けドキュメントの日本語訳とTips


[Heroku] Amazon EC2 北米リージョンで動いるので、日本からのレスポンスタイムは300msぐらい

Heroku が動いているサーバーはどこの国にあるのか調べてみると、現在は Amazon EC2 北米リージョンのみだそうです。(2012年1月7日 時点)



[Oracle] ワイルドカード文字/パーセント(%)、アンダーバー/アンダースコア(_) の役割

Oracleにて、ワイルドカード文字/パーセント(%)、アンダーバー/アンダースコア(_) の役割を調べたのでメモ。

■ SQL 文の特殊文字のエスケープ

ワイルドカード文字、パーセント(%)、アンダーバー、アンダースコア(_)を LIKE で抽出条件に使用するための方法

●パーセント(%)は 0 文字以上の任意の文字列

●アンダースコア(_)は 任意の 1 文字をあらわす

・引用元:SELECT 文の活用(実践) – オラクル・Oracle SQL 入門 はてなブックマーク - SELECT 文の活用(実践) - オラクル・Oracle SQL 入門


Ruby Advent Calendar jp: 2011 から読みたい記事だけまとめ

Ruby Advent Calendar jp: 2011 から個人的に読みたい記事だけまとめてみました。



・参考:Ruby Advent Calendar jp: 2011 : ATND はてなブックマーク - Ruby Advent Calendar jp: 2011 : ATND

RubySpec を走らせる — Gist はてなブックマーク - RubySpec を走らせる — Gist

32nd Blogger: いまこそ Ruby の力じゃ! Capybara を使え!!! はてなブックマーク - 32nd Blogger: いまこそ Ruby の力じゃ! Capybara を使え!!!

RubyデーモンでTwitterバルス! – TrinityT’s LABO はてなブックマーク - RubyデーモンでTwitterバルス! - TrinityT’s LABO

text.ssig33.com – Rails の Ajax は過渡的なもので注意が必要だ はてなブックマーク - text.ssig33.com - Rails の Ajax は過渡的なもので注意が必要だ

RubyGemsはrequireの裏で何をやっているのか? – おんがえしの日記 はてなブックマーク - RubyGemsはrequireの裏で何をやっているのか? - おんがえしの日記

ActiveSupportを読んでみよう & テストコードに感謝する – joker1007の日記 はてなブックマーク - ActiveSupportを読んでみよう & テストコードに感謝する - joker1007の日記

2011-12-15 – 日々是鍛練 はてなブックマーク - 2011-12-15 - 日々是鍛練

Rubyの拡張ライブラリを作ってみよう! – ser1zw::diary はてなブックマーク - Rubyの拡張ライブラリを作ってみよう! - ser1zw::diary

Rubyのnilはおともだち – ゆとRubyist日記 はてなブックマーク - Rubyのnilはおともだち - ゆとRubyist日記

Happy Hacking RubyGems – fix A moment はてなブックマーク - Happy Hacking RubyGems - fix A moment

おまいらもMacRubyでMacアプリ作ろう – @sugamasao.blog.title # => ”コードで世界を変えたい” はてなブックマーク - おまいらもMacRubyでMacアプリ作ろう

Sinatraを使って、RESTFulなWeb-APIを作ってみたい – tackun note はてなブックマーク - Sinatraを使って、RESTFulなWeb-APIを作ってみたい - tackun note

EvernoteのAPIをRubyから叩きたい – kk_Atakaの日記 はてなブックマーク - EvernoteのAPIをRubyから叩きたい - kk_Atakaの日記

Enum_forは怖くなんかないよ – a newcomer! はてなブックマーク - Enum_forは怖くなんかないよ - a newcomer!
