[iOS] Your Info.plist contains the UINewsstandIcon sub-property under CFBundleIcons, which is intended for use with Newstand feature. To include Newsstand features, the Info.plist must include the UINewstandApp=true Info.plist key.
iPhone アプリを Xcode 経由で申請しようとしたら、エラーが発生しました。
The following issues were found during validation:Your Info.plist contains the UINewsstandIcon sub-property under CFBundleIcons, which is intended for use with Newstand feature. To include Newsstand features, the Info.plist must include the UINewstandApp=true Info.plist key.
ニューススタンド対応にしない場合は、Info.plist ファイルの Icon files (iOS5) の項目の Newsstand Icon の項目を削除すればOKです。