Node.js 製 CMS「KeystoneJS」のアプリを作成して Heroku へ deploy する方法
Node.js 製 CMS「KeystoneJS」でアプリを作成して Heroku へ Deploy するまでやってみたので手順をご紹介します。
Node.js LTS の最新バージョン 6.11.1 を利用します。
$ nvm use v6.11.1
Now using node v6.11.1
また、KeystoneJS の deploy 先は Heroku が楽なのでこれを使います。
KeystoneJS 公式サイトに Getting started という入門コンテンツがあるので、これに沿ってはじめていきます。
npm install -g generator-keystone
npm install -g yo
generator-keystone でディレクトリ生成できますが、ディレクトリ名を指定できないので先に自分で作っておきます。
mkdir my-test-project
cd my-test-project
yo keystone
Welcome to KeystoneJS.
? What is the name of your project? keystonejs demo
? Would you like to use Pug, Nunjucks, Twig or Handlebars for templates? [pug | nunjucks | twig | hbs] pug
? Which CSS pre-processor would you like? [less | sass | stylus] sass
? Would you like to include a Blog? Yes
? Would you like to include an Image Gallery? Yes
? Would you like to include a Contact Form? Yes
? What would you like to call the User model? User
? Enter an email address for the first Admin user: [email protected]
? Enter a password for the first Admin user:
Please use a temporary password as it will be saved in plain text and change it after the first login. admin
? Would you like to create a new directory for your project? No
? ------------------------------------------------
Would you like to include Email configuration in your project?
We will set you up with an email template for enquiries as well
as optional mailgun integration Yes
? ------------------------------------------------
If you want to set up mailgun now, you can provide
your mailgun credentials, otherwise, you will
want to add these to your .env later.
mailgun API key:
? ------------------------------------------------
mailgun domain:
? ------------------------------------------------
KeystoneJS integrates with Cloudinary for image upload, resizing and
hosting. See for more info.
CloudinaryImage fields are used by the blog and gallery templates.
You can skip this for now (we'll include demo account details)
Please enter your Cloudinary URL:
? ------------------------------------------------
Finally, would you like to include extra code comments in
your project? If you're new to Keystone, these may be helpful. Yes
Your KeystoneJS project is ready to go!
For help getting started, visit
We've included the setup for email in your project. When youwant to get this working, just create a mailgun account and putyour mailgun details into the .env file.
We've included a demo Cloudinary Account, which is reset daily.
Please configure your own account or use the LocalImage field instead
before sending your site live.
To start your new website, run "cd keystonejs-demo" then "node keystone".
$ node keystone
You have opted into email sending but have not provided
mailgun credentials. Attempts to send will fail.
Create a mailgun account and add the credentials to the .env file to
set up your mailgun integration
Applying update 0.0.1-admins...
KeystoneJS デモ: Successfully applied update 0.0.1-admins.
Successfully created:
* 1 User
Successfully applied 1 update.
KeystoneJS Started:
KeystoneJS デモ is ready on
続きは KeystoneJS 公式ドキュメントを読んで、カスタマイズしていきましょう。
まず、Heroku アプリを名前を指定して作成します。
heroku apps:create keystonejs-demo
Heroku アプリを新たにリモートに追加する。
heroku git:remote --app keystonejs-demo
Heroku には MongoDB のアドオンがいくつかありますが mLab (旧 mongolab) を利用します。
heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox
Creating mongolab:sandbox on ⬢ yourapp... free
Welcome to mLab. Your new subscription is being created and will be available shortly. Please consult the mLab Add-on Admin UI to check on its progress.
Created mongolab-rigid-12345 as MONGODB_URI
Use heroku addons:docs mongolab to view documentation
Cloudinary は Heroku アドオンもありますが、本家サイトから個別にアカウント作成してくとよいです。
heroku addons:add mailgun:starter
Heroku Console からログを確認することができますが、より高機能なログ収集ツールを導入します。
heroku addons:add papertrail:choklad
git push heroku master
で Heroku 上にアプリを deploy すれば完了です。