ソフトウェアエンジニア文化「自分の取扱説明書 / Personal User Manual / Public User Guide」の原典

Tadashi Shigeoka ·  Sat, September 23, 2023

ソフトウェアエンジニアの方々が書いている「自分の取扱説明書 / Personal User Manual / Public User Guide」の原典にあたる情報を教えてもらったことをご紹介します。

自分のことを「自分の取扱説明書 / Personal User Manual / Public User Guide」から知ってほしい

とある有識者から「自分の取扱説明書 / Personal User Manual / Public User Guide」の原典について、参考になる情報を提供していただきました。

Urs Hölzle(Google の 8 人目の従業員)が自分のユーザーズマニュアル (Personal User Manual) を公開していました。

via: Ask HN: Do you have a public guide to working with you? | Hacker News

Q) Do you have a public guide to working with you? by jashmenn on Aug 8, 2018

A) I’m reading Elad Gil’s “High Growth Handbook” and the interview with Stripe’s COO Claire Hughes Johnson. In that chapter they mention the Google engineer Urs Holzle who wrote “A Guide To Urs” about the interaction approaches that work best for him [1]. “The idea is that if you needed to interact with him or you wanted things from him, you knew what to do. And apparently that really helped streamline how people worked with him.”

Claire, wrote a similar document called “Working with Claire” (the full text is included in the book).

She mentions that it “spread quickly through the organization … and now a lot of people at Stripe have written their own guides themselves.”

I think this is a fantastic idea — I’ve worked long enough to recognize that I have my own quirks and it’s better that everyone knows up front how to best get something from me and what I expect from them.

I’ve started to a draft of “Working with Nate”, but I’d like to know: do you have a document like this you’re willing to share? (Perhaps some Stripes would like to share their own?)

I’d love to read other people’s examples of how they think of themselves and their work, and how they best interact with others.

[1]: https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-public-version-of-Urs-Holzles-personal-user-manual-If-so-where-can-I-find-it

cloudwaretech on Aug 10, 2018 [–]

I am also Looking for this guide for working with Urs to learn from. below is Working with Claire Guide. https://growth.eladgil.com/book/the-role-of-the-ceo/insights-working-with-claire/

? “High Growth Handbook” = 「爆速成長マネジメント」


昔の記憶なので定かではないですが GitHub - yoshiori/manager-readme から自分はこの存在を知ったという記憶です。

社内で質問したところ、最近の記事として A User Guide To Working With You - by Julie Zhuo の存在も教えてもらいました。

以上、自分の取扱説明書 / Personal User Manual / Public User Guide の原典について調査した、現場からお送りしました。
