システムの「動作確認」は英語で Operational acceptance testing (OAT) が適当?

Tue, September 12, 2017 - 2 min read

エンジニア研修で「(システムの)動作確認というワードを英語でどういう風に説明しよう難しいな」と思っていたのですが Operational acceptance testing (OAT) という言葉があることを教えてもらいました。

Operational acceptance testing (OAT) is used to conduct operational readiness (pre-release) of a product, service, or system as part of a quality management system. OAT is a common type of non-functional software testing, used mainly in software development and software maintenance projects. This type of testing focuses on the operational readiness of the system to be supported, and/or to become part of the production environment. Hence, it is also known as operational readiness testing (ORT) or operations readiness and assurance testing (OR&A). Functional testing within OAT is limited to those tests which are required to verify the non-functional aspects of the system.

